The Battle for Japan (2)

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(A/N: This Chapter has some Shinto Gods stuff involved, so be prepared for some OP Stuff, also trying something like POV, so please tell me if it was Good, Bad, all that stuff.)

USGV 2nd Fleet, August 26th 1643

Admiral Austin Lexiton looked at the Report he had just received with trembling hands. The 1st Fleet was totally destroyed, the entire 1st fleet, Harry, All of it was gone, they had all been destroyed by air attack, it had sent shivers down the spines of everyone there, to think that a entire fleet of that size had been destroyed was unheard of in their entire history, it was not only a Major Defeat, it was a Catastrophic Defeat

''How...Could we Be Defeated?'' Austin Asked

No One gave him a answer, they too, were deep in thought, truthfully, they were scared of the same taking place for them, they had already sent all their Jets and Helicopters into the Skies to screen themselves from enemy attacks. All Ships were on the highest alert. they were ready for a enemy attack at any time.

But there was also the storm coming from the south, on their world, Typhoons were so rare they never really prepared any measures for them, But they knew it was bad, so they were making their way north to avoid it, and by the looks of it, they would avoid it by a hair.

As the Fleet plowed ahead, Austin's XO suddenly came to him.

''Sir, Squadron 15 has spotted a Man flying in the Air near the Typhoon'' he explained with confusion.

''A Mage? do we know of any Japs which are Mages?'' Austin Asked

''No Sir, He seems to be Drinking some Alcohol and just flying around causing rain to pour around him'' The XO Replied

Admiral Austin was confused by the sudden appearance of a Mage, he knew they were quite powerful people, on the Front, they were known to cause havoc for anyone attacking, Japanese or Their own troops, With Magic being able to have a entire Tank Platoon destroyed in a single blast if they had enough mana.

''Kill Him'' Austin said

Alex looked at the Radar as 2 Missiles flew towards the Man, but As they exploded, the Radio came to life.

''What!? He's Okay!?'' A Pilot yelled

''What?! Impossible!?'' Austin Yelled

Over the radio, the sound of lighting was heard, and a Bleep on the Radar showed a Down Jet

''Squadron 15, Disengage now, Find a New Spot to attack him from'' The Radio Operator said

''Shit! Where is he?! He's Gone!'' Someone yelled

Another Jet vanished

''There!? Oh Shi-'' A Pilot was cut off by a intense sound

One after another Squadron 15 was picked off, until none remained, of 20 Jets, all had been destroyed by some unknown Mage, everyone was silent Until someone noticed something.

''Sir?'' The radar operator said

''Yes?'' Austin Said

''The Storm, It's moving right for us'' He said

''What? What the hell do you mean by that? A Storm can't turn on a dime'' Austin retorted

''I Don't Know sir! The Storm is moving right for us!'' The Operator said

''Fuck! Tell everyone to prepare and to get all ships ready for a Rocky Seas'' Austin Said

The 2nd Fleet began to prepare for the upcoming storm, getting everything tied down, everyone getting inside, Jets quickly coming into the Carriers and being placed inside or tied down as quickly as possible, they were sure that it would be enough to stop the Typhoon from doing much harm.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now