The Great Eastern War Begins

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Papaldia Empire, Esthirant, 1st foreign affairs department, November 10th 1639, 9:55AM

2nd Department Head, Rius had been called over to the 1st department. While the departments did sometimes exchange personnel since they were publicly part of the same governmental organ, it was normally out of the question for a department head to be summoned to another department. However, because the 1st department carried an order from Domitian and His Wife Livia this time, Rius was obligated to show up.

The meeting would take place in the department head's office. Rius was currently standing in front of the door. No matter how many times he saw that gaudily-ornamented, heavy door, he always stood in Fear because of the simple fact that as a Moderate in a country of Radicals, Moderates weren't Liked, those kinds of thoughts crossed his mind.


An employee of the 1st department opened the door and led him in. Inside the room, he saw 1st Department Head Elto, Deputy Head Hans, Chief of Sub-Superpower Countries Shiran and the Most beautiful woman he ever saw, at 44 She was the Wife of Domitian, A Person as Cruel as Him, Willing to put to death anyone that made her 14 year old daughter, Remille Feel in Danger as Next Empress of the Empire. Rius felt fear, he didn't know what to expect, but death was a likely outcome.

Rius, Nonetheless bowed to each person in turn. "By His Grace the Prime Minister, Domitian's command, I am here at the 1st department to respond to your summons... How may I be of service?" Rius asked

"You do not know? It appears you have yet to learn to think for yourself," spat Livia venomously.

''I Beg your Pardon? Have events gone without my knowledge?'' Rius

''Hoho, It seems you are truly unaware, such is the case for someone like you...We are here to talk about The Empire Japan. If I remember correctly, We agreed to Attack them, as it will begin today, Yet you had a Meeting with them, I saw the notes for the first meeting with the Empire of Japan. Why were they treated like state guests? Since The Empire of Japan only has one assigned diplomat, I do not need anyone else's necks, thus I tell you directly that you were diplomatically weak—no, even worse, it was a diplomatic capitulation. For someone representing the empire to be so... if you were unable to fathom My Husband's will... I can only say that it was pathetic, Rius, And not to mention the Plot to have my Dear, Dear Daughter Killed, Rius You Monster." Livia said

''What!? What plot! I've nothing but Respect for Remille!'' Rius shouted

Rius was beaten by the guards in the room by Livia's Orders, Elto looked in Horror, She was a closeted Moderate as well, to see a scene made her scare, Livia continued to speak.

''In Order to end the Plot of which you are guilty of I sentence you to be Shot, And that the Fennese and Japs Be also killed for the Plot Against Papaldia, Goodbye Traitor'' Livia spoke

Rius began to beg for his life while he was dragged away, once outside a loud bang was heard, Rius and most of his closest friends were shot in the coming hours, a total of 37, And The Imperial Army would also begin a Pogrom Against the Diplomats of Fenn and Japan, but since Asada Sr and Reika were on route to the 2nd Department, they narrowly avoided death, but the 40 Fennese were all shot dead in broad daylight to cheers, the People of Papaldia were all for the War against Japan and Fenn, seeing it as a Easy Victory.

Oh How wrong they Would Be

Kingdom of Fenn, western region, Nishinomiyako, Same time

Nishinomiyako, on the west end of the Kingdom of Fenn, would become the front line of a war with the Papaldia Empire, so about 2,000 warriors were stationed there for that eventuality. And the Empire of Japan had built a Massive Naval Base there, with the Musashi and Yamato Battleships being there, having just finished their Yearly Repairs. As the Ships loomed over the entire port of only 88 000, They slowly began to move, the enemy was some 6 hours away, 415 ships, They would force it back, as they moved out of port, the flag of both the rising sun and The Flag of Fenn were everywhere in the Port.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt