Reversing their Gains

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State of Mu, USGV Occupied Lands, February 6th 1988

On the Cold Day, in the middle of a snowfall, IJA and Muish Soldiers led a Charge into enemy lines, They were carving a path for their Tanks to destroy the enemy, Missiles were hounding away in the skies to crash into the enemy base, as Part of Operation A-Go, Which was in it's 4th day, They were making Good progress.

This was Japan's and Mu's Winter Offensive to drive the Gra Valkans and their allies out of Mu once and for all, it had 125 000 Japanese Soldiers and 350 000 Muish Soldiers against the 750 000 Ragna Pact Member Soldiers, For Japan the offensive was a key Objective, as such many resources had been Pooled into it, and it paid off, they had already seized 30 000 Square Kilometers of land in less than 4 days.

But it wasn't so well either, staunch resistance by the enemy had slowed down their advance and with it, The Front once more was becoming Stagnate, But there was good News Elsewhere on the Front, In Sonal, a Entire Division of Nigrat was destroyed by General Tosai at the Muish-Sonal-Hinomawari Border, allowing the Towns near the Area to Fall to the Hands of Tosai.

It was during the attack for one of these towns that Tosai became a National Hero, during the Attack of a city which was showing brutal and stiff resistance, which he was leading, a Sniper fired a Clear shot at him, hitting him in the chest, but bounced off his rids and struck a Tank, but it caused Tosai to hit the Ground Hard and rather than pulling away, he stood back up and yelled for all those to hear 'Do Not Mind this Wounded Man, Tis not a Loss to big for the Empire' And his men were so in awe at his devotion to Japan they managed to break the enemy defenses and take the city that day.

Josuke Takashi also Scored a Impressive Victory in the Sonal Landing Pocket, taking the Inland City of Lyaon, A Major Railroad Network, how he did it was something right out of a fantasy book, using a Local guide, he slipped into a Thick Forest with 44 000 Soldiers, arriving right into the city unexpected, once inside, He had his men kill the entire 12 000 Strong Garrison, and taking the city, much of the city was left untouched, it was a stunning victory

They weren't the Only heroes as well, the former Sword King Odu, Who was fighting in the front with nothing but his Sword, Became a popular Hero for killing 1000 Enemies so far with his Sword, cutting them down where they stood and having been shot 3 times and still not dying, he was a Icon of Bushido Code in modern Times, even more so when he took a entire enemy base of 200 by himself by sitting in front of it, convinced them he wasn't alone and caused them to flee in terror, allowing 5000 Tons of Food, Oil and Rubber to be taken from the enemy.

These Hammer blows had a Intended effect on Japan's War Aim, despite heavy losses of men and Supplies, they were pushing deeper into their enemy. It was also around this time when the Media became to Call Tosai and Josuke 'Tokugawa' and 'Nobunada' after the famous Daimyos of old, who they began to resemble in their cunning and brilliant victories.

But The War From The Homeland was also seeing a radical Swift as many Japanese Companies which was producing the Entire War Industry were having a harder and harder time to keep up with Japan's Aggressive Offensive Goals, with Many Companies like Sony, Toyoda, Honda, Mitsubishi and More seeing a Serious Need for Expansion, and as they did in China, The Ex-Papaldian Empire fell to the Dominate Hands of The Japanese Companies, Entire cities turned overnight into Near personal Property of companies.

But Unlike China, They had kept work laws and Codes to be high, so as to not incur the wrath of A revolt like in 1969 for Guangdong or Manchuria's Riots of the 1970s, The Expansion of the War Industry of Japan into the East, would take many Months before it would be able to not be strained by the IJN and IJA Efforts to gobble as Much land as Possible before the United States of Gra Valkas Builds a Industry stringer than the Americans, their greatest Fear.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now