Operation K

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Papaldian Empire, Altarus, December 15th 1639

Ever since they took over the Country, Papaldia was ever increasing their control over the country, issuing more and more outrageous laws and edicts to make life hell, And on this day, the Governor Alexander, a Close ally of Domitian was rounding up anyone he sought to want to dispose for being a Spy, For Example, Women, He hated Women with a passion, all because of having a cheater of a wife and having a abusive Mother.

"Please stop! My daughter has nothing to do with this!" A Father Pleaded

"What are you trying to say?! Your daughter is A rebel! I will see to it she is shot for daring to be again Us and the Altarus governing board! For the crimes of being against us be lucky we don't see you killed as well" Alexander Preached

"B-But, the governing board only ever takes Women to kill! It's not possible for every one of them to be guilty!"

"Haha, Maybe But I don't give a shit, She is guilty, I will have her shot, get out of our way"

"Please, no!"

Today, once again, Alexander accused a young girl of being associated with an anti-government organization and came to take her into custody. The Kingdom of Altarus lost the war against the empire, so this was now a familiar sight in the country's towns. The father, desperate to save his daughter, clutched at the legs of Alexander, he simply shot the man in the leg, causing him to scream in pain as he fell to the ground.

"No! Father!!! NOOOOOO!"

''Good God Women Shut Up! This is why i hate them, always screaming'' he said as he gagged her ''have her shot by midnight''

The girl was taken away by the Soldiers with Alexander as he left with them. None of the girls taken away by him lived long, always killed within hours of being arrested. No one believed for a second that these girls had anything to do with any rebel groups, but they were still executed in the name of "justice."

In Altarus's royal capital of Le Brias, there were rumors that Alexander, was a perverted predator who targeted young girls, kidnapped them, did whatever he wanted to them, then silenced them by having them killed. These rumors were surprisingly false, he truly just hated women with a passion never before seen. The board's enforcers frequently traveled to villages and hit on women. If those women turned down their advances, they would say: "Maybe someone in your family is a rebel." That line would usually shut them up and make them give in. If they wanted money, they would go to a household that seemed rich and just take it by using the same line.

This humiliating governing board represented the current Kingdom of Altarus. Reduced to nothing more than a nation living in fear, already over 600 000 Of their People were killed, causing the nation to lose hope.

Captain Rial, a member of an anti-empire underground organization, was patrolling in plain clothes. He had faith in Princess Lumiess's plan to liberate the kingdom, so he was making preparations and scouting out the defenses at important areas and was also making small time raids against the enemy, stealing some of their guns, to use when they uprising at a moments notice. 

Today, yet again, he watched a parent being nearly Killed while a child was dragged away crying. Rial had held the position of captain of the 1st Cavalry Division in the former Kingdom of Altarus. He had a strong sense of justice, so seeing that scene and being unable to help was akin to torture. However, if he were caught, when the princess made the call to action, no one else could take command. He considered risking his life to save her, but his leadership ability was crucial for the future of the entire kingdom. He wept in his heart.

After doing one patrol lap, Rial returned to the underground hideout before he forgot the positions of the guards.

"Dammit! I had to watch that revolting farce today. That piece of shit empire! They won't get off easy for this!" Rial raged quietly, taking care not to be too loud.

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