Beginning of the End (2)

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Papaldian Empire, Arunie, July 20th 1640

The Resounding sound of Cannons filled the air all around the city, Arunie, Was seen in flames for as far as the eye can see, the people, long dead, were scattered everywhere in piles of bones and ash, Arde was looking from his tent with a sour expression, it has been weeks now and the city had yet to fall, It was a stubborn city, and he could not blame them, they had a strategic walls, rivers and forests which made it hell to try and take it by force.

Both sides had been fighting for the city for weeks, with well over 100 000 Killed, Wounded or Captured on both sides, 200 000 In Total, Domitian was letting everything die to keep himself in power, as what a Defector told him, he had gotten completely mad, saying that most of the people of Arunie which Arde thought had died because of him were killed by Domitian who killed every elder, child, cripple and anyone that refused to join the army in a force series of conscription.

Meanwhile, the Empire of Japan had continued to bomb the eastern Empire of Papaldia to the stone age, even landing in areas around the Capital, cutting it off and seeing most of the country, at this stage in the war, over 13 Million had died, And Japan had in all but name ended their part in the War, having created the 2 New Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Milito and the Kingdom of Okuzuma, With the Papaldian Homeland being made to be Decided on their fate later.

Across the Entire Eastern Papaldian Empire, it was nothing but total destruction, everything was destroyed and it would take years to rebuild, something Japan would make sure would take years, to prevent them from attacking later again.

As Arde looked at the City, he also saw his men running towards the enemy once again, being gunned down, while the Wyvern Lords attacked from the Air in support of Arde's Soldiers, The Fields were turned to Mud and the Mud Puddles were everywhere, Causing the attacks to be made by a very tight margin, but his men were not some men that didn't understood battle, they were making sure to advance fast and to zig zag to avoid the Guns, making their way to the lines, and fighting in hand to hand combat and killing as many men as they could and sending the enemy from their Staunch defenses, slowly forcing them back.

As the Soldiers ran across the now called 'No Man's Land' they saw the Wyvern Lords in the skies flying to support them in yet another attack, they had already lost 100 of them to the enemy, but they had been key in supporting Arde in pushing into the city, it had taken him and his army 2 entire weeks to cut off the city, the near perfect defenses of Fort, rivers, forests and a ravine they forgot to see made it hell on earth to cut if off, but after attacking and attacking, they had snapped shut the City, Domitian was trapped with no true way out, now he was being forced back step after step.

They was also good news as well during the entire battle, Emperor Ludius II and his family, His Wife Julia and Son Ludius III, Managed to escape the Imperial Palace during one Night, and over the course of 2 weeks, Managed to travel to Arunie, being found by Arde's soldiers, they had to sell most of their riches to coachmen to reach Arunie, but now they were safe from Domitian's Soldiers who were in the Capital, any manhunt was now useless.

Now that the Emperor had fled with his family and the Imperial Palace Soldiers refused entry to anyone, claiming the Emperor has measles, General order began to quickly fall apart, riots and crime were everywhere, no one felt safe in the capital, yet the war continued, Japan kept bombing them, it was Hell.

As Another Crescendo of Cannons landed onto the Domitian Lines, Hundreds of bodies flew into the air and hundreds more turned into ash, the Soldiers of Arde Attacked the enemy once more at this, Another assault which they hoped would break the enemy.

The Siege of Arunie was a Struggle with many losses on both sides that kept feeding men into the meat grinder.

Empire of Japan, Tokyo, July 21st 1985

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now