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Runepolis, HME, April 17th 1644

Along a Street, Long lines of people, thin and sickly were waiting for their food, since the war began, food was scarce, even more so since the food producing lands were taken by Japan, every month 100 000  to 200 000 were dying, it was horrible, The people were always hungry while the Elite and the Military had all the food, As they waited in line, there was shouting at the front.

''What!? Is that All!?'' He Shouted ''This Ain't even enough for 4 people! How am i Meant to feed 7!?''

Because of the Food Problem, Prime Minister Calvo had implemented a strict Food System on how much one can take, which was flawed in many ways, but Now it seems it was made even worse, the weekly food one was allowed was cut again, it had been many times now this had taken place. Lat Month a Riot which killed 384 took place when the Salt was cut from 100 Grams weekly to only 75 Grams due to a lack of salt production, which they had gotten from Nates beforehand.

As the Man Continued to Argue, the Line shuffled ahead, ignoring the people which had fallen over, dead from exhaustion from waiting in line so long, a common sight these days. 547 had already died in the city Today. across the HME the starving people were feeling the effect of the sweeping famine.

In some Towns and Villages, they had all been wiped out by the Lack of Food, People that lived in cities moved to farmlands to increase production, but nothing worked, a country which relied on 70% of its Food by Trade, couldn't make up for their shortcomings, and the result was famine and many deaths.

the economy as well had tanked, since the war had started, the GDP had fallen from 3.27 Trillion down to 2.44 Trillion, the people had seen harsh measures, it was terrible, the hard money they had earned had fallen from their hands, inflation had seen the prices of things rise to the point where they could barely afford it.

but there was Hope, the Japanese, despite taking some lands from them, hadn't been able to continue their push, making it evidence they were weaker than they had been led to believe, if only they could kick them out and rebuild the navy then they would be able to win the war.

Such Delusions were still around in the minds of many in the country, as they had never lost a war hence many saw victory was right around the corner. as such they had never really saw defeat in their minds.

As the people continued to move down the line, some more would die, and the people, without a care in the world, would step over them to get their food, to live another day.

Despite the Stagnate Line in the Central World, it didn't Stop Japan from attacking them, with Missiles being sent to their Magic Reactors, to prevent them from making More Weapons of Mass Destruction, the people heard one such missile flying in the air while waiting for their food.

The Holy Mirishrial Empire, with A population of 197 Million, of which 19 Million lived in a ''Occupied state'' Continued to suffer under Famine, Economic devastation, Enemy attacks and more, making their lives a living nightmare, but the Empire of Japan, needing to built their forces in The West for the Attack in Leifor, decided to create a rest 'year'. 1644 was going to be a year where they build their forces before the attack and destroy the enemy with missiles in the meantime.

The Holy Mirishrial Empire was Suffering, and Japan would only make it Worse in the coming Years.

United States of Gra Valkas, Ragna, April 18th 1644

Since the End of 1643, Anti-War protests had taken place across the country, the 10 Million Dead had already caused quite the ruckus, these were men they would never be able to replace, the Government however, continued the War despite the lack of a victory in a long, long time, even now, with the line silent in leifor besides the Japanese-Muish Air Force and their own fighting for control over Leifor's Skies, nothing really had taken place on land.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now