The Battle for Japan (1)

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Open Seas, 2200K From Altarus, USGV 1st Fleet, August 25th 1643

Admiral Harry Douglas Looked at the Reports from the sudden mine attack, he wasn't happy, his fleet was moving slower than what he wanted it to go, and it was all due to the Mines that attacked his fleet, Causing Light Damages, In All only 6600 Soldiers on the transports died and only 28 000 Tons of Supplies lost, and no ships sunk, overall a great result.

But that wasn't the reason he was Angry, it was that a Troubling report had arrived to him, The Enemy had begun to move in a crane like formation right towards his fleet, which had now taken a half moon formation, he was not caught in a tight spot, he was caught in a very tight spot, He had a giant fleet of transports and supply ships to protect, which meant that he had very little areas to maneuver, Which was Bad.

If he choose to attack head on he risked losing his defenseless ships, if he was defensive, he risked facing more enemies coming from the East, he was forced to make a choice, he choose to attack first seeing as it was the Best Option, his ships were currently getting ready for the Assault, he looked out to the Skies, there The Battle would be decided, His Jets would attack in a Giant attack of 800 Planes against the enemy fleet, at the same time, he would fire half of all his missiles at once, hoping in one single attack to win, a destroyer held 48 missiles, a submarine held 24 and a Carrier had 16, he knew he would have enough to beat the enemy.

Many Hours had passed before the Gap had closed, now they were only 950KM From the other, now was the time to attack, he gave the Order.

Planes began to fly into the skies, Helicopters began to form barriers over the fleet in the event of a attack, Missiles were primed and loaded. The United States of Gra Valkas's 1st Fleet, was ready for action, And they would destroy the enemy fleet in front of them. They had the best ships, the best weapons, they had it all...Except for 1 thing, they lacked the Experience of Battle, most sailors only were in the Navy since last year, which meant that if they were facing a battle harden enemy, they would be in for a long battle.

As Admiral Harry Looked at the Outgoing Jets, his heart began to beat at the idea of Victory.

USGV Air Wing Attack Force, 693KM from the Enemy, 1 Hour Later

Pilot Kent Wood Looked over the Skies to see if any incoming enemies were nearby, after all, such a large formation would be impossible to miss, 800 Antares-10s, moving at Mach 2, it was a show of force never before seen, They moved in a Double V Formation, 80 Jets, with 10 Double V Formations stacked on top of the other, creating the illusion that it a Air Fleet in the Thousands. With each plan having 4 Missiles, it meant that 3200 Missiles of the most powerful country would be able to destroy anything it faced, no matter who or what he faced

As he Flew with his Formation, he thought that the enemy would tremble before the might of his country. As he flew, he felt the rush of it all, the feeling of victory, the feeling of defeating a barbarian enemy out to plunder the world, as he was deep in his mindful idealism, his radio came to life.

''Attention everyone, Enemy Foxes, 750 Have been spotted some 100KM From here to the Front, they have just fired 1600 Missiles, Spread out and fire your own to lock on to the enemy once they arrive'' The Head Flight Commander said

Kent laughed as he punched in the code to fire 2 missiles at the enemy missiles coming, technology allowed them to find enemy attacks way before they would be able to reach him. After finding 2 Missiles which had not been locked on by another Pilot, he fire his missiles, the Sound made his ears pop a little before he saw his Missiles move ahead at speeds he never thought possible, he watched as they plowed in the distance, and soon he saw enemy missiles coming for them as well, this was it, the Battle had finally begun.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now