Gim to Jin Hark in 3 Days (2)

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Jin Hark, Kingdom of Lauria, March 28th 1639, 8:20AM

It was Calm day inside the Capital, the people went on their normal day, Women tended to their Laundry, to their children, men were going to work and the soldiers on the walls kept guard, but a air of tension was all over the city, the Japanese had arrived with what deemed like a advance unit and began to besiege the city itself, with their AA Guns shredding their forces if they tried to get close to them, 800 Knights had already been killed trying to launch a night raid.

King Hark Laurian, Looked from his Palace with a feeling of dread and Shame, the enemy had suddenly arrived and destroyed his entire country in the blink of a eye. Nothing they did seemed to have stopped them, the 15 000 Soldiers he had with Muskets, were nowhere to be found, they last message was when they were in the southern Fortress of Na, Hark Laurian was unaware that the Fortress had been leveled by repeated Japanese Bombardment before they seized it.

As he looked at the enemy, he asked himself who was he fighting? Demons? he could not find the answer, but as he ask that, the story of the Old Empire came back.

Long Ago, some 30 000 Years, a Super Race who controlled Magic unlike any other, They ruled over the entire world, they had no name, but today they were called the Ancient Sorcerer Empire, At first they ruled well, but it all changed 20 000 Years ago, when the current Emperor died and a crisis came ahead, and that was when HE arrived.

No One knows who he was, no one knew where he came from, all they knew was he was Mad, Madder than anything they ever saw before, he spoke a language none heard before, but the only word they knew to call him was what he asked to be called, Neos Helios. He Had Magic unlike the entire world, and after killing the entire government, he was Emperor.

And he ruled, like a Tyrant, convinced he was a God, and as years turned to decades, and decades to centuries, and yet he remained young, and the people groaned under his boots, and everyone that was not from the Original Continent, which he renamed to Criporius, Was made into slaves, millions died and sometime around 18 000 Years ago, the Great War of Gods emerged.

The 300 Gods, who were looking all this time, finally had enough, for when Neos Helios Destroyed all their temples, they were outraged, And descended down to finally free the world, And in the Continent of Criporius, the Goods and Neos Helios Fought for weeks on end, with many of the Gods being killed, and many more wounded, and then, on the 200th week, the Gods and Neos Helios clashed for the final time, and the Mad Emperor was beaten, but he used his last magic to Trap the Gods in his continent, which then sank into the sea, only the God of Death, God of the Sun and God of the Earth escaped the Trap. Not in the bottom of the sea is the continent with all the people, turned into statues, and Neos Helios Trapped, contained by the dead gods Powers

After The War, history moved ahead, with new nations, new wars and many new events, his legacy still can be felt, as no one, not even the Dragons who lived in those times, know anything about him.

Hark Laurian had a Disturbing thought, what if...this Empire of Japan, was Somehow related to this Mad Emperor? could that explain their seeming prowess? He didn't know what to make of it all, but one thing for sure was he was scared of the future.


A Low buzzing sound alerted the King, it sounded like Flies, he looked into the sky, where he thought he heard it, but saw nothing, but as the Minutes came closer, it got louder and louder, until he finally was able to see what it was, the morning fog had made them almost invisible to him, but he saw about 30 Gigantic Wyverns, bigger than anything he ever saw before, it was at the height of around 4100 Meters, much higher than what was though possible.

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