Operation Meiji

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Southern Leifor, November 16th 1989

''Enemy Missile! Get Down!'' A IJA Officer yelled

His platoon dropped to the ground, a massive explosion ripped from behind them, dirt fell all around them, a IFV was destroyed behind them, he got up with his Katana and Yelled

''Charge!'' he yelled

they all ran for the enemy line, taking some hits from the enemy, but the Bullet Proof Armor, The Kagoshin, mass produced since 1985, did its work, only causing bruises, but the armor wasn't something which prevented death at all time, as they jumped in and began to kill all enemy soldiers they found, blood ran deep, the melee fight was draining the Energy of the enemy and of the IJA as well, 10 000 had already died since the Offensive began 27 days ago, while not high it was a heavy lost nonetheless.

Operation Meiji, which had been in the planning since March of 1989, was finally in full swing, the Operation had been planned for so long that they were sure it would be beyond what they expected. Marshals Tosai, Von Preuben and Josuke Takashi were the men to led it, their victories would help them in making this one of the final attacks needed in the War against the United States of Gra Valkas, which was one step away from surrender, in a stolen poll, 83.8% wanted to end the war and every soldier outside of Leifor refused to fight, wanting the war to be over.

The Operation called for 8.5 million soldiers, 16 700 Jets and 12 000 Tanks along The South, North and Center, commanded by Marshals Von Preuben, Tosai and Josuke, with half the forces being Muish and the other half being Japanese.

Leifor was Huge, the same size as the Russian Empire in 1914, with A population of 144 Million, the enemy had both a thin line and a population which was thinly spread as well, making it impossible to hold the enemy back on the entire front, which was what they planned for. they also had 5 lines built inside the Country, which was to slow the invaders, they had poured over 5 years worth of defense in them, the 1st and 2nd line had been bombed heavily by the enemy, but it was the blind hope they would bleed the enemy so much it would force them to stop

The Southern Attack which would take the entire southern third of Leifor, had 2.5 Million Soldiers, of which 250 000 were IJA Soldiers, they had 4000 Tanks and 5000 Jets, they would be facing 1.8 Million Gra Valkan Soldiers, which had 1900 Tanks and 800 Jets, they were mostly facing flatlands and a sparse population of 40 Million, they planned to get them to help by refusing to fight all thanks to Myrus.

The Northern Attack which would take the entire Northern third of Leifor, had 3 Million Soldiers, of which 1 Million were IJA Soldiers, they had 4000 Tanks and 5500 Jets, they would be facing 2 Million Gra Valkan Soldiers, which had 2500 Tanks and 800 Jets, they were mostly facing the 70 Million which lived in the cities, where all the industry was, with many rivers as well, But Japan had already taken a piece of the north, hence they had crossing to go from

Finally The Central Attack which would take the entire Center of Leifor, had 3 Million Soldiers, of which All of them were IJA Soldiers, they had 4000 Tanks and 5500 Jets, they would be facing 2 Million Gra Valkan Soldiers, which had 2000 Tanks and 800 Jets, they were mostly facing the last of the Urban areas where all the resources were, it was also hilly, the 28 Million which lived there, would prove the fastest to take.

But before they could attack they had to destroy the enemy air power and supplies and the 9000 Antares-10s needed to be cut down, over the past 6 months, they were reduced from 9000 to only 2400, While they only lost 700 Jets, it was a killing ground. they also got 500 000 Veterans in the center and north, which were from leifor to Join their side, they were replaced by raw recruits, making it easier for them to be crushed in the future, but the 500 000 was only a quarter of what they wanted, how they got them to leave, was by simply offering them protection in the name of the emperor, and when they did, they kept their word, earning their trust and information on the lines.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now