Downfall of the HME (3)

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Nivervi, Black Army Controlled City, August 1st 1647

Soldiers of the Black Army were going around the city, clearing our house to house of any Fascist they found, making sure to kill them all, using ice bullets to kill them and put out the flames, this was their last city they had to take and now it was all over, the Far-Right Warlords were dead. but to do so, millions more had to die in painful and horrible deaths.  The Blood they had spilled would never return, some estimated it would not be until the 1800s they reach their old Pre-War population, a thought never before in the minds of the Black Army.

The Black Army had begun their Campaign against the last warlords back in March, attacking them all at once, going from town to town and killing every single person which were attacking them, fighting in the rivers, forests and anything which housed the enemy, using their Night Vision Goggles, they were able to find the People who were rising against them, which lacked night vision goggles, entire towns were destroyed down to a man, their bodies, hung and mutilated as a message to other.

Both sides were refusing to accept surrender from the other unless it came from their government, so as to know they truly were giving up and not faking it for a attack from the rear later on, it was a long, hard crawl to defeat them, tank battles with what little fuel and weapons they had took place everywhere. the soldiers fought most times with shovels and whatever they found which wasn't broken, the lack of any weapons was now apparent in everyone.

Even as they cleared the enemy strongholds, they weren't safe, booby traps were everywhere alongside sleeper agents as well, which would wait as the black army passed by before attacking, which made the entire thing worse, despite the black army making deep headway into the enemy, both sides were losing too many men to see victory in sight, that was until the IJA decided to help the Black Army directly, sending 15 500 Of their oldest missiles to help them, missiles from the 1960s, but it did the job, destroying the Rotten Fascist down and into a corner.

For months they were driven to a wall, getting desperate, the fighting turned into horror battles as mages turned into Mana Bombs, exploding their own bodies to bring down the Black Army, it did little to slow them down, but it played a horrid image for the soldiers, and many began to wonder what will be the future of the Old HME, one of peace or one of war? One thing was certain however, the country had been destroyed by internal and external powers.

After attacking the last of their cities, the last of the warlords laid down their arms as the leaders had killed themselves to avoid capture, knowing it would result in their deaths anyhow and many of the soldiers the Black Army took as POWs were also killed, many of them were women, forced into the army due to the lack of men to fight, all of them dead, tired, hungry or in the hands of the Black Army.

A Few Forces turned to banditry, but there too were Destroyed by the Black Army, which had the superior weapons, numbers and satellites to help them, it would take however months before they were all defeated, having taken refuge in the forests, which were as large as entire countries like Japan's Home Islands or that of Rodenuis itself.

But now It was Finally Over, the War in the Central World was Over, the HME had lost the highest lost of life ever seen in the world thus far, 60 Million Killed and 10 Million now living under Eimor, the Population had fallen from 207 Million to  137 Million, of which 55 Million was under the Mirishrial Shogunate and 82 Million Under the Black Army, which now Called itself the Runepolis Central Government while they waited to find what to truly call themselves.

Now that all the Warlords were dealt with, there was only 1 thing left for the Black Army to do, sign a Peace Treaty with the Empire of Japan, thus ending the World war which had been Raging for 5 Years Now, which had killed 115 Million had died worldwide, entire countries had been destroyed, Superpowers had been crippled forever, most of the world had been forced at the edge of a sword to become puppets, the entire world was now at the Mercy of 2 Countries.

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