11 Nation Conference

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State of Mu, Alue, April 17th 1642

Much had changed in Mu since their contact with Japan, over the past 3 years, the country has moved from looking like Post WW2 Nazi Germany to Now late 1970s or early 1980s Germany, Japan had sold them All they had about German Weapons, Technology and More to help them. The New technology and weapons would take time to get use to them.

At the Army Base, 2 Senior Officers were smoking while looking at the Soldiers digging fortifications, with the tension of the Ragna Pact, War was likely, and they needed to prepare, Alue would be a key city to take, and many of the Generals had drawn 2 plans for when the war breaks out.

The First Saw Defenses built around the city to prevent it to fall, bleed the enemy dry and push for a offensive with the reserves, Using what the Japanese told them worked in Operation Ichi-Go in 1944, The 2nd Was the same but with a stronger defensive line behind the first, in the event the city fell, so as to contain the enemy.

''Man, You Think we can hold back the Gra Valkans? You saw their Tanks, They look powerful'' One of them said

''Yeah, But given how they have to fight Us, Japan and the entire Eastern world, Even Gra Valkas will see problems, I heard the People in Leifor are still protesting'' The Other Replied

''Shit...That's makes Things harder, Logistics will make them unlikely to attack in full swing, Speaking of Which Whatever happened to those Oil Drums we asked for?'' The first asked

''Sir, Because they were spotted from the skies from Our Spy Plane, They were placed at Bunker Line K5'' The other replied

''Good, Anything to keep us from getting crippled, Remember, our entire point is to survive long enough to Have Japan and the East help take over the Continent with us'' The first replied ''Oi Frederick! Why are taking a Break!? That Bunker will either your savior or your Grave! get digging''

''Yes Sir!'' Frederick shouted as he got back to work

Mu was preparing for War, They needed everything to be ready, so as to survive a attack many knew would be heavy for them, Gas Mask were Mass Produced, Every where they prepared for Nuclear attacks or worse, it was total preparations to not be caught with their pants down.

From a Short Distance Away, Overlooking the Border, In a Tree, Myrus looked at the Gra Valkan Lines, over the past 3 months, More and More Soldiers arrived, in total some 40 000 were near the border on a 50KM from, in total, he estimated some 870 000 were on the Muish Border, a equal advantage in numbers.

As he looked at the Gra Valkan Tank, he noted every single one of them he could see, As he Counted them, He noticed Just how many soldiers Gra Valkas Had, to him, 870 000 Men was a Big number, but as his spying work showed him when he was in leiforia, it was nothing, Gra Valkas Boasted that they could field 14% of their population under arms before the economy would struggle, Mu Had Calculated that they can do with 8%, Japan was In Between both states at 11%. In A War it would boil to who can take the most hits and be left standing.

As He carefully noted everything he could, he was truly happy that Japan had allowed them to rise to be almost as strong as they were so quickly, If Japan hadn't helped them as quickly as they did, then the real prospect of the county falling in a Invasion was There, now at least, they can hold their ground, It wouldn't be until at least 1643 until a Potential Counter Invasion could be made.

He then had a Thought, If the United States of Gra Valkas was building up their forces right around the time of the 11 Nation conference, then does that mean...They planned to issue war upon them at the Conference?.

Myrus got down from His Tree and quickly made his way to Headquarters, he felt time was of the Presence.

Empire of Japan, Prime Minister's Office, April 19th 1987

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now