Operation Jimmu: Megicarreich

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Anthn, 100KM From Avest, Magicarreich, February 1st 1989

Anthn, a City of 500 000 Had Recently Fallen to the Muish 5th Corps, the city had been bombed heavily before it was taken, Now the 60 000 Soldiers turned the City into one of Nightmares, Finding and Killing Anyone they could, for this city was one of 5 which were to be utterly destroyed. It Was All Part of the Muish Terror to Magicarreich, Revenge for their past Invasion.

The Soldiers of Mu in the City, had already killed 200 000 Civilians in a Massive Extermination Ploy, Now the Survivors were being rounded up for them to die, they were hiding in the Bombed out ruins, but the Muish soldiers always found their targets, screams of the captured was heard from as far away as one could hear, it was painful. To the Japanese, It reminded them of Nanjing all Over Again, except this time, there was no denying of what the true nature was, plain Genocide by Mu.

It had only Been 21 Days since the last part of Operation Jimmu Began, But those 21 Days had seen Heavy Losses on the enemy and Much to be Taken. The 2.8 Million Soldiers of Magicarreich Faced some of the most Heinous Acts in Human History over the past 21 Days.

After Bombing the 44 Biggest cities of Magicarreich, Mu and Japan began their offensive into the country, in the north and center, they faced almost no resistance, allowing them to enter the entire Country in the Northern half, the Open Country allowing them to just simply plow into the lands without much resistance, Carving a Path into the rank and File of the Enemy Army, The enemy had tried to stop them, but Mu, using some of the Most Brutal forms of victory possible, by forcing civilians to advance with them, making the enemy less likely to fight, destroyed everything in their path.

It was only thanks to the IJA and Borderline Pleading of the Entire GECPS to not have the entire country turned into a ghost country, even then, 7 Million had already died as the Muish Soldiers continued to brutalize the country beyond anything they saw, behind them were the horrified IJA who protected the flanks and held back resistance, half of the country which had fallen in those 21 days, the entire border of Leifor was now under the IJA Control, 1.1 Million Muish-IJA Soldiers now held the border.

On Sea, the 200 Strong Magicarreich Navy, which were 5 carriers, 105 destroyers and 90 Submarines was destroyed by Katsu Yamamoto, leading the Musashi and Yamato into a Single group, he attacked Avest, where their navy was, sunk 2 carriers and 22 Submarines, where he then baited the rest of the Fleet into open waters, where the Yamato and Musashi, now protected by 4 carriers, 50 destroyers and 1000 Midget Submarines (Manned Torpedoes) he attacked again, sinking the entire enemy fleet with only losing 293 Midget Submarines and 2 Destroyers. Ending their Navy without them causing issues, at the same time, the IJN used their Navy to prevent any ships from leaving.

By the 1st of February, the 2.8 Million Men they were facing had fallen to 1 Million, all of them Killed, Mu had lost 200 000 Killed and only 8000 Japanese Killed, but they had Seized 5/8ths of the country in rapid time. But in conquering these lands, they had led a Brutal Campaign in the Populace of 5 Cities, Avest, Anthn, Arub, Ani and Anuk, the soldiers were given a Green Card to do as they pleased in these cities, everyone was to be killed and they Didn't care how it happened, Anuk and Ani had already been destroyed with 1.2 Million Killed in both cities combined, now Anthn was Next.

Elsewhere in the Front, where the Muish were not destroying a city of over 100 years old, they were still moving, now downward, which proved easier than anything else, for they had only one way to go, and as they pushed, the enemy, which now lacked Jets, Tanks, Basic Weapons in general, could only be killed in droves, powerless against their enemy, as they continued to seek the death of everyone inside their country.

By the 4th, everyone in Anthn had died, and Arub, home to 300 000 had also been wiped out, bringing the total dead to 7.5 Million, All Magicarreich soldiers, fearing the power of Mu, as well as plain fear of Avest being next, pulled back to the Capital to hold out until the end, during the retreat, many towns were razed by the soldiers, to slow the Muish soldiers down, it worked, only because the Muish needed to have the towns as supply hub, hence a destroyed town was no good.

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