Conferences, Conferences All Around

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Great Eastern Conference—August 15th 1639

A conference was convened to discuss the major events occurring around the world. The participants were all countries outside the civilized areas, it was a tradition that began over 1100 years ago, this Year, it was held in Myhak, Which had undergone a Massive Transformation to now being only 300 Years behind Japan and not 600, the Railroad was also busy, creating a near constant stream of trains coming in and out of the city. 

Since the one proposing the conference was a "barbarian country," the superpower Papaldia Empire and the other countries in the Third Civilization chose not to attend, labeling the conference unnecessary and meaningless. Because of the lack of representation from the civilized areas, the participating countries talked relatively openly about their intentions, unlike previous conferences of this nature. Normally, the main topics of discussion all centered around the Papaldia Empire, but this time was different; the focus was on the sudden rise of the new country "The Empire of Japan."

Ever since they have arrived, the world was changing, they saw just how powerful Japan was, not only that, but the Economic Impact was Huge, the Imperial Yen, was quickly becoming the backbone of the entire eastern Economic system, many nations were now at the behest of being tied to the Japanese Market due to how much they were buying.

But also Politically as well, With Lauria Destroyed. Japan was the Strongest Nation in the East Barring Papaldia, which meant that Japan was able to pressure Nations to make usual Demands, such as ending Slavery, 14 Hour work days, ending child labor for those under 10 and Education to the Poor. Which left some nations at the mercy of Japan's Companies, which were quickly expanding at a rate which they hadn't seen in decades.

"We shall now begin the Great Eastern Conference."

Representatives from each country contributed any information they had about Japan. These were the main points of interest:

-The Empire of Japan is an emerging country that suddenly appeared in the Great East. By their own admission, they were suddenly transported to this world from a different world. However, there are no historical examples of this happening, only myths and legends.

-After meeting with Fenn, Gahara, Quila and Kua Toyne, all began to trade in earnest and Japan sent Troops to their countries to help build their country to become strong

-Japan requested an enormous amount of food and offered to export national infrastructure improvements to Kua Toine in exchange. The Same for All nations they made contact with

-At that time, Rodenius's strongest country, the Kingdom of Lauria, Plotted for War, Japan Took  advantage and Invaded, in the week long war, Lauria was destroyed more than anything they ever saw before and Lauria was annexed by Japan.

-During the incident at the Kingdom of Fenn's Military Festival, Japan eliminated a squadron of wyvern lords sent by the Papaldian imperial oversight army's eastern fleet. And Forced their fleet to turn tail with the Super Imposing IJN Yamato

By the time this information was compiled, the heroic stories of Japan's feats were gradually becoming acknowledged as fact and not just hearsay.

"Because there are so many countries in attendance that have already formed diplomatic ties with The Empire of Japan, we believe we have established a common perception that the country of Japan is tremendously strong." Said the Diplomat from Quila ''I Personally See that they are A Very Powerful Ally to have, thanks to their Railway, we receive food 20 times faster then before!''

Everyone nodded at this, it was true after all.

"We would now like to confirm each country's views on the topic." The Diplomat of Gahara began ''Us and Fenn share the same view that they are our long lost brothers and must be seen as the Saviors of the world from the likes of people like Domitian''

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