Siege of Leiforia: Aftermath/Massacre

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Warning: Massive War Crimes will be made, if you don't want to see it, skip the first half of the chapter, there will be Gore, Rape, Murders, Etc, You have been warned

Leiforia, Urban Area, July 1st 1990

The city which had fallen to the IJA after weeks of brutal fighting, was quiet, it was like this as extreme curfews were put in place, and Tokyo had been cut off from Leiforia, no one knew the horror which was about to be made. News Outlets had been Quickly silenced, Soldiers were told that they were given from the 4th of July to the 6th a Free pass to do anything they wanted without facing any respite, any crimes they did to civilians outside of Pedophilia and Necrophilia was allowed.

Today, IJA Soldiers in Huge Patrols, were posting Letters on every Lamp Post they could find, and looking at the civilians with eyes that screamed bloody murder, as if they were holding back decades worth of anger, which they were, they were going to do something in their eyes the City deserved for being against them and almost Killing their Marshal, as the civilians went to read them, their blood ran cold. It was a Letter written by Marshal Tosai, Addressing the City's Inhabitants

''Attention People of Leiforia, I am Issuing a Eviction order, that within 48 Hours, we will allow anyone to leave the city with what they have, no matter who or what it is, this is mercy, the soldiers of which i command are filled with bloodlust, they are within snapping point and a point of no return to plunge the city into a nightmare it will never forget and I am giving you a chance to escape, a chance to live.

After the 48 Hours have passed, anyone in the city, i cannot in good nature guarantee that whoever remains in the city will survive, the soldiers will loot everything they can find, they will destroy all and kill all, we will spare no mercy to the city, this is mercy, to those who leave we will protect, to those who stay, you will die, we will come for you and we will kill you, heed my words and pray to the false Gods which you worship, Good luck.

-Marshal Tosai''

The People who read the letters, spread the news from household to household, within minutes, the entire city knew of the Japanese Plans and panic engulfed the city and people began to leave in massive droves, creating a traffic jam to leave the city, lines as far as the eye can see was seen, but with only 5 ways out of the city, all of which could only have 5000 leave at a time every hour or so, Fights broke out on who should leave first, people tried to bribe the IJA Guards to allow them to leave, but they got pushed back and some even were hung at the Gates from this, a grim sign already

All the While, Tosai watched the panic with a wide grin, any calls from Tokyo, asking him what was happening in Leiforia were heavily censored and Muted, Any News Stations which wanted to see the city were denied, for he hadn't allowed the Press inside the city, due to 'safety' Issues, despite on the 29th showing a massive show of power in a Grand Military Parade, where the Imperial Banner shine proudly over the Town Hall, but after the, total silence and censorship fell to the outside world.

No one knew his plans, but many In the Empire had their ideas, he was planning a Purge of the city. Many would have said something about it, but to the Empire, which was Nationalistic saw nothing wrong with it, many even outright supported it as it was some punishment for harming someone who was acting in the presence of the Emperor, hence they harmed the Emperor.

Since they had come to the New World, Japan had shown itself to think divine right to rule the world, the people were prone to Following the Right Doctrine, they had attacked foreign business, Foreign Foods had been either removed or changed and anyone in the conquered lands, not showing themselves to be Japanese, either by Skin or by Culture was looked down by the Homeland. Militarism had gripped Japan once More, but this time, the Leash of Power was still in the Hands of the Civilian Government, leading to less Fanatics killing the Government when they did something they hated, The Japanese had also saw to kill off as many of the enemy as possible, leading to a death toll almost as great as WW2.

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