Fall of Sicil Island

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HME, Island of Sicil, June 22nd 1988

''Go! Go! Go! Attack! Attack in the Name of the Emperor! He will Guide us to Another Glorious Victory!'' A Japanese Officer yelled loudly

Japanese Marines charged into the enemy positions, Dodging Machine Gun Fire and enemy APCs firing at them, They were overrunning them and gunning any of them they found down to a man, Killing every soldier they found, As they Attacked, one of the Bunkers began to fire heavy gunfire, Killing a Officer and wounding 3 Marines, pinning down some soldiers, Who began to crawl ahead, Seeing the Stalling advance, a Nearby Japanese Destroyer Fired a Short range Rocket and destroyed the Bunker, The Explosion rocked the IJA Soldiers, who had to duck to not be hit by the Magic Exploding, sending Flames and Ice Shards everywhere.

These Japanese Marines were part of the Operation Ichi-Ga Force 17, the soldiers tasked with taking the Island of Sicil, the Soldiers were landing in the north, far away from the real action, where the IJN Navy and Carriers were wrecking havoc onto the base of Sicil, They were landing in Beaches which reminded them of Korea, the skies were filled with Japanese AA as they fired At incoming enemy Missiles. 

From what Radio messages were saying, the Raid on the 0th Fleet, something that Katsu Yamamoto Had planned for months, maybe even years now was beyond expectations, it was total oblivion of the enemy, ships were being sunk and planes destroyed in seconds, nothing was short of Destruction. metal was melting in the base, Air Fields were turned to black smoke, men were killed by Explosions and the Entire Base seemed to Glow a Magical Blue from all the Magic Fuel burning.

Japan had devised that with the Fall of Sicil and then controlling the sea lanes of East and West, they would be able to force to heel the HME from their throne as the strongest in the world. it would also serve as a Symbolic Blow to the HME, that the Empire of Japan can attack anywhere and anytime, and the HME would not be able to stop them, it was meant as a Moral destroyer of the absolute.

Since the outbreak of War just weeks Prior, Japan had Seized all of the Islands that made the 'Banivista Chain' in Brutal Lighting Attacks and now they were sending their last force ahead to take Sicil, they would face many challenges, this was the most fortified island our of all of them, for it sat right below Cartaplas province, the Richest, most Populous and Powerful province of the 40 which Made up the HME, Japan had not so well made their Intentions well known. 

Taking it would allow Japan to Bomb the Central World with Impunity, where Japan, Mass producing KI-200s, Which was a 6 Engine Bomber based on the B-52 of America, Same Physique, But slower and with more Anti-Air Guns, These Bombers would Drop Bombs daily on the HME, with the Hopes of bombing them into Submission.

On The Island, the IJA and the Imperial Mirishrial Army or IMA were fighting brutally against each other, Cannons battering both sides, Gun fights all around the Landing Zone and much more. They were defending from what they saw as a 'Barbarian' invader, who was out to kill, plunder and rape all their women and children, as such, many saw to fight to the last, Which To Japan made no difference, they would have it no other way than to beat another arrogant enemy.


A Large Explosion Created a Crater in front of a Japanese Officer, Lieutenant Araki Nagusi, Dropped to the Ground, he pulled out his Radio.

''What the Hell?! Your Firing on your Men, Adjust Damn you!'' He Yelled

''Not My Fault, Your Advancing too fast'' The Man on the other end replied

''Then why ain't you thinking ahead?!'' He replied

''Because we didn't expect the enemy to be So Weak'' The Man in the Destroyer said ''Slow down a Bit, Roger''

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