Calm Before the Storm

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Alue, State of Mu, November 20th 1639

Alue, one of the Biggest Cities in Mu, Boasting a Population of 4.4 Million, which is 2.5% of their entire Population, The Germanic Looking Buildings created The feeling of walking down the streets of Post-WW2 Berlin, Cars Drove by Each Streets, The Muish Flag, which Resembled the Old Imperial Flag of Germany, But with a Lighter Red, Flew on The Flag poles, The People went about their day, working, drinking and talking about the events of the world.

The Biggest topic was the Empire of Japan, their latest Ally, many tales of their wonders of power, Military might and Great influence of making Nations which they heard would never bow to foreign powers drop the knee made them a Amazing Topic to speak about. And Many People that could afford to Travel went to Japan, confirming to their eyes and families of a Great power in the east which was superior to their own.

In the Alue Grand Hotel, A Giant Hotel meant for only the Most Important people of the world should they visit, Japanese Ambassador Heideki And his Muish Counterpart, William stood in front of dozens of cameras, shaking hands after signing a piece of paper, everyone was clapping as it was a Historic Day for Mu and Japan, for they had just created a Free Trade Agreement. In Which Mu, Could buy anything from Japan Barring Nukes and Toxic Chemicals and In turn, Japan could buy anything Mu Had Barring Chemical Weapons as well, It was meant on all platforms to Increase Trade With Both States above All.

But Behind the Scenes, another Agreement was made, a secret agreement, it was a Collective Defense Pact against the United States of Gra Valkas. In the event that the USGV attacked either of them, the other was forced to join the War, In The Secret Treaty as Well, Neither side was allowed to fight said war alone or surrender without the other's Approval, Japan had bitter memories of the Malay War when Thailand Had left the War, causing over 8000 Japanese Soldiers to Die.

The reason onto why this Secret Treaty was signed, was the last week, a USGV Jet Violated the Air Space of Mu, During which they went over Alue, A Major City and took Photos, but when it was shot down by a Muish Missile, which caused tensions to ran high, Mu Accused Gra Valkas of this incident, but they denied even being there, And Mu Needed something to deter Gra Valkas from taking Action, and seeing how the Empire of Japan was On Par with their Air space violator, Mu Wanted to have a Back Bone to quickly prevent any of this to happen again.

But their was another reason as to why Mu And Japan formed a pact against the USGV, and that was the HME, the HME and the USGV had begun to trade in limited deals By Neutral nations, and it caused concerns by both that it was a ploy to get Mu or Japan to be forced to bow to them in the near future, something they wanted to stop at all cost.

And Now Japan Would have not only a Huge Market to flood their goods with, but a country of which they didn't need to train all that much on how to Use, Mu Had Cars, Jets, Trains, Modern Science, to Japan, They already had everything needed to built itself to Japan's Level, all they needed was to buy their products, Now Japan's Economy and Mu's Was truly entering a bubble of which would last a Very long time.

In Mu and Japan, the News of these Deals were met with celebrations, it was a way to bind East and West into one Camp, the GECPS Camp, To everyone else it created a Confusion never before seen, for Mu to become allies of equal standing from a outside Zone Nation created general confusion, but to the HME and the USGV, they saw this as a direct challenge to their authority. something they would not let idly stand by.

The World was yet again Shaken by Japanese Actions.

Papaldia Empire, Esthirant, 2nd Civilization Superpower, Mu embassy, Same day

Nisol, a staff member from the 1st foreign affairs department, was visiting the Mu embassy to speak with Mu's Ambassador, Mugei. For weeks now they had been slowly cutting how much trade they had been doing with Papaldia and since the War Began, Trade Went into a complete halt, Causing the Papaldian Economy to now lose 20% of their Income, Causing a Fiscal Crisis.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя