Global War (2)

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Seas near Sonal, November 27th 1987

On the open Seas, the sound of intense battles was heard, Ships blowing up the coastline for as far as the eye can see. On the Lead Transport Ship, which was heading to the now secured Beach head, Emperor Hirohito, dressed in Full Regalia, standing in front of the ship, his cane tapping on the floor, this would be the first time in his life he would be seeing proper action. The original plan was to send The Emperor to the safest Beach, but a Firm look at the captain by the Emperor sent the ship barreling right for the most dangerous Beach.

The Month was a quiet on in the War, with Minor actions being made across the front, all falling to break the enemy, Japan Failed to enter more into Leifor and Hinomawari, and Gra Valkas and their Allies Failed to push back into Mu or Sonal, Now was Time For Operation B.

The Plan was to land 480 000 over the Period of 12 Days on a 80KM Landing Zone just 250KM from the Front and expand outward Inland and North to the Front, link Up hopefully and create a awkward front for the Enemy. It would take a Approach akin to what Japan had done in Europe during the War against Nazi Germany.

As the Emperor looked at the Enemy and his troops fighting, he felt the smell of gunpowder and the charging cries of the enemy and his men engaged in brutal combat, As his ship got to the point where they would be able to land without a problem, As he waited, a Imperial Soldier tasked with protecting him came to him with a Box, as he opened it, A White Gem On A Small pillow waited for the Emperor, who took it and placed it in his hands, and he began to faintly glow.

This was a Magic Gem from Altarus, it gave anyone the ability to move, run, swim and more for when they were at their peak age, and it would not cause pain after the effects were gone, this was so the Emperor could move in the event he was attacked, which would save his life hopefully. after a while, he began to test out if the magic worked, jogging in place and doing some jumping jacks, which he did easily, he laughed.

''Hoho...Amazing, This Magic is Divine'' he said

''Your Majesty, Even if Magic can do this, It is a Sin to the Gods to Abuse their powers like this'' the Soldier said as he bowed with his head on the Ground

because All of Japan saw Magic as Divine powers, Only Monks and the Emperor and His Family were worthy of having them, And all of Japan hated anyone outside of those criteria using Magic, death being the offense. Many of Japan's Allies also shared the same views, passing many Laws on Who was allowed to have magic.

Hirohito said nothing as the ship docked on the beach, He quickly made his way down, as everyone inside the ship which was a soldier ran outside and quickly placed a strong defensive position around the Boat and waited for the Emperor, all around them, brutal fighting was taking place.

As Hirohito stepped onto the Beach, he bent over and took some sand and placed it in a Vial, this would be a great study once he was back at his lab in Japan, as he heard a Loud Explosion, he ducked down, to everyone there, it looked as if he tripped and fell, Hirohito noticed this too and Took some sand.

''Aha, We Hold you Now Sonal!'' He yelled

Everyone around him cheered as he stood up, and he slowly began to move forward along with his protection detail, Most of the Action was now dying down as the Numerical IJA Soldiers began to turn the Tide, But inside 1 Bunker, A Soldier and his Officer Stood at their Machine, Pointing at the Emperor they had a clear shot.

''Take the Shot, This will surely break them, Killing their Commander'' The Officer said

Gra Valkas was under the impression that Hirohito was a General and not the Emperor, as the soldier pulled the trigger, the gun clicked, he checked the gun, it was loaded to the Brim, nothing seemed wrong, he pulled again and the same thing happened Again.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें