Beginning of the End (1)

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Papaldian Empire, Duro, April 20th 1640

It was a Quiet morning on the Bombed out city of Duro, the people were inside their bombed out homes, scared for their lives, the city was in dreadful state since weeks now, the craters filled most of the streets, But today was different, the city was under foreign occupation for the first time in over 1300 years. The Japanese had arrived in Papaldia.

Since the Naval Battle over 1 month Ago, The Empire of Japan had Prepared to Invade, They Bombed the Papaldian cities in even more record Bombing raids, razing the entire eastern ports near Fenn turned into ghost towns, bringing the total deaths to over 8 Million, They Picked Duro as the Most Logical place to Invade, for it resembled Kyoto in all forms, hence they would be able to train the entire landing force on how to land without facing any problems. They trained for weeks and weeks, until they could land in Kyoto and take it blind, the 88 000 Japanese Soldiers, were more than ready.

To Also help in this, they Found out where the Supreme Commander Arde was with their spies and prevented both letters of the Emperor and Domitian arriving to him until Yesterday, in order to prevent the eastern soldiers, which hadn't been attacked from arriving to fight Japan, who they would be able to cause some minor damage. And with them also faking preparing landings on the city of Duco, on the other side of the Empire, Japan was able to arrive Unseen, unopposed and arrive 30 minutes faster than expected.

Duro was quickly attacked by Japanese Missiles, hitting vital points where the soldiers of Papaldia were, making sure to destroy their supplies, they landed Special Marines outside the Docks, quickly taking the heights and preventing the Large Guns which were placed there to be able to fire at the incoming soldiers.

The First Wave, Tasked with storming into the city and taking the city was 13 000 Strong, they faced potshots from the enemy, but the destroyers used their guns to destroy any enemy shells which would have struck the landing crafts, they also had to deal with Papaldian Mines, but given they were easily spotted from far away, the Small 35mm Anti-Air on the Landing crafts were able to blow them up long before they were a problem.

After landing in the port, the soldiers quickly moved into the city, fighting away the 22 000 soldiers which were there to fight, killing most of them, then the APCs and Type 74s landed, and they were able to crash into the fort, taking it, after going taking over the fort, the city fell quickly to the hands of Japan, which raised the flag of the Imperial Banner in Victory. Now that the city had fallen, they could spread the news of this to the empire, hoping this would cause a general fall of resistance.

As the soldiers, who had brought much food with them, began to give away the food the the starving civilians, the people were hesitant to take the food, fearing this was a trap, but it was with good intentions as Japan was intend of giving a good impression so as to convince more soldiers and cities to fall without a fight.

As the Japanese Soldiers gave away food, a Certain Officer looked at it all with a gruff look, the scene reminded him of the Borneo Crisis of 1977, Where a sudden shortage of food led to Borneo having to ask Japan for Food, the IJN and IJA Came to the Aid of the people, despite having given food, over 50 000 Died from Hunger, but it did boost the Image of the New Japan.

As the People got the Food, He took out his watch, it was only 9AM, They had a foothold in Papaldia, Now they could quickly seize the surrounding areas, which they already were, sending their soldiers which weren't part of the 1st Wave to push until the line would be paper thin, they knew the enemy would not attack, hence the perfect time to attack.

The Landings of the Japanese in Duro, and the Fall of the city so quickly, was a great shock to the world, And over the next week, more than 12% of Papaldia Fell to Japan as more soldiers from Yamuto arrived, For a total of 190 000 Soldiers, during which the forces of Yamuto defeated 3 armies of Papaldia of over 80 000 men each, they Also Pushed mostly West, where Many Farmlands were, during their push, Japan already began to Sign separate treaties with Papaldia, planning on dividing them into 12 States, the 72 countries which Papaldia ruled over since the 1000s were to be split by pairs of 6, each of which would form to keep the balance of Power, and allow Japan's Companies near absolute Power over their Economies.

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