The Skies and Seas Said: Let there Be Death

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Papaldia Empire, Esthirant, December 7th 1639 6:40AM

It was a Quiet Morning, People were only getting up, It was A Cold day as well, Wyverns were not suited to fly today, The Factories were slowly getting up to speed for the day, the city was brimming with life, it was as if War was not possible in the grand city. The Last time The city came under attack was in 374 When the Gathic Horde tried to lay siege to the city for 3 years and were all killed. The 3.5 Million In the city felt pride in this historic legacy.

The city which for over 1000 Years had not seen any enemy attack of any kind, boasted about their Supposed Luck,  A City with 1300 Years of Peace, Peace which would never be broken

At 6:55AM The Peace is shattered.

Many people began to see over the horizon many Planes, at first only a few dozen or so, but within seconds, the number had grown to well over 600, People Looked at them In confusion, they had never seen Planes before, they didn't know who it was owned by, And so they pointed and looked in Awe, But it Didn't last long.

All of A Sudden, 200 of the Planes dived straight down towards their Fleet, And everyone looked in Horror as Black Eggs, or Bombs as they were called fell out of the Planes wings and flew right into their Ships, And right after they connected, the Ships exploded, causing Huge flames to fly into the sky, as the planes that had dived flew back into formation, the city was engulfed into a frenzy. The Ironclads in Bay, were creating a wall of flames around the port, they were sinking and no sailors looked to have escaped the fate of the damned.

The Air raid Siren was blared as people made their way to shelter, but the Planes would not care for them, They would turn and bomb every building they found and the city, made of wood and bricks, was soon turned into a City of Ash, Factories and Major Junctions were destroyed, the Senate was reduced to nothing more than ash, The Zeros displayed a expert precision of bombing the enemy, the Papaldians tried to fight back by firing their Gatling Guns, but they were destroyed by Japanese Gunfire, the citizens panicked and ran as they saw this.

By 8AM, Most of the city was on fire, Most Bombs dropped, and the flames eating away at the entire city, Over 200 000 Lay dead around the city, and the papaldians were in Utter Shock, but it was not over yet, the Pilots of the Zeros divided in two, one group began to take joy in gunning down everyone they saw on the surface, while the other remained in the air in case the Papaldians attacked, the weather had gotten hotter, and the Wyvern Lords from the Nearby Air Base began to fly into the air, a total of 350 Flew towards the Japanese

As the Wyvern Lords went towards the Zeros in the Air, they assumed it would be a easy prey, they the best of the empire, they had years of training, they were also the fastest at almost 440KM/H, they had no reason to lose.

But their Enemy had decades of flying combat and training, they knew every trick in the books, they were 100KM/H faster and unlike Papaldia, they were not arrogant because they thought they were the Best, They Were the Best.

As the Wyverns flew, they failed to notice that the Japanese was creating a net around them, a net which would allow them to attack from every direction, and soon the trap was closed and they began to attack, it was nothing short of a killing spree, the Papaldian Wyvern Lords were cut down without being able to touch the Zeros, every time the Wyvern Lords tried to attack, the Pilots would quickly and nimbly move out the way as quickly as a fly, which caused great anger.

As they dropped down like flies, the people screamed in terror, they never knew something this could be possible, but reality was dawning on them, as they ran and were gunned down by the Zeros, a new noise was heard, the noise of more explosions, The Japaneses began to drop their Last bombs on the Military Bases, reducing them to rubble, the sign of power of the entire eastern world, Was now in flames, it was nothing short of humiliation.

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