Operation Jimmu: Nigrat

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Nigrat, Magicarreich-Nigrat Border Town, November 30th 1988

General Tosai looked at the Town With a Spyglass and smiled, it had been weeks now that his forces had been on the move from Brunvill, and finally they saw the last town of Nigrat to take, which would knock the first country of The Big 5 out of the war permanently.General Tosai was part of the 1st IJA Army of Nigrat, tasked with driving from the south to the Border, in a V Shape Offensive, taking the Ports and coast while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Armies attacked elsewhere.

The Goal was to attack everywhere with the same forces, making so that no army can be attacked with the other 3 being able to force the Enemy being surrounded, They also had Japanese Commandos Paratroop behind enemy lines to destroy their supplies, destroying as much as they can and then having any repair companies ambushed and killed, making life hell for the enemy.

But for Tosai His army of 500 000 IJA Soldiers they made quick work of the Enemy, Having crushed them in battle and kicked them out from the Coast even when the enemy had build many bunkers to stop him, he simply attacked them and destroyed them. He was making his way down the coast in lightning speeds, by passing enemy strong points, which he would have cut off, destroyed from all sides before he continued on, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy

But to say the road was a easy one was a lie, the Magicarreich forces, over 3.5 million soldiers, impressive for a country of 69 Million, but Magic soldiers were not a match to the IJA, By Late October he had lost 20 000 Killed and 2000 Wounded, but he had led a Great Ratio against his enemy of the 880 000 he had faced thus far, he had killed 625 000 Of them, but he had yet to face the Main Magicarreich Army.

But then Tosai had met them in Late October at the Battle of Tubin, the Last Major Port of Nigrat, in the 2 week Long Battle, his army of 478 000 faced off against 805 000 Ragna Pact forces. he had to Cross a River to take the City and the enemy navy of Magicarriech and Nigrat, a total of 250 ships or 20% of the Navy of the enemy was there to meet him.

On November 2nd 1988, Katsu Yamamoto, who was tied up in Tokyo by A Cold, arrived with the IJN Yamato and 44 Other Ships, in the 3 hour Naval Battle, he destroyed half the enemy fleet and forced the rest to escape less they be destroyed at the lost of only 6 destroyers badly damaged, another Naval Victory for Japan. that same day, Tosai began the Assault to Cross the River. It took 3 days of heavy fighting to cross the river, the enemy was imploring a tactic the Japanese had been using since the restoration, fighting to the last man and refusing to pull back a single inch of land. After 3 Days Tosai had forged the river and was surrounding the entire Port.

But the Crossing had been paid in heavy blood, 15 000 Japanese killed and 85 000 Enemy Killed, it was heavy for Japan to have lost so many men so quickly, but General Tosai made sure to honor them by taking the city quickly, on the 9th of November Tosai finished cutting off the last road they were able to escape from, only then when it was too late were they allowed to pull out the city and break out, 205 000 did manage to escape, but the rest were trapped by a pinning action by the IJA.

General Tosai then spent the rest of November crushing the forces, It Was Brutal house to House fighting for the city, during which, either by a change of heart or by seeing the writing on the wall, the commander of the forces in the city decided to flee, but with all exits blocked, they were without hope, but they still tried to escape, in the dead of night they packed their lightest weapons and made a run for it.

The Result was Total Ruin

With it Seeing most of them killed in a one sided mass killing after they had tried to flee, being cut down by Toxic Gas, Machine Guns, Tanks and the IJA Missiles and Mines , the city itself was also largely destroyed by Bombing runs. The Soldiers who had survived laid down their arms after 3 days of falling to break the siege, the Magic Soldiers suffering Heavy near flat line losses as the Magic Inside them was being exploited by the IJA and causing them to die from Internal explosions, the 288 000 Survivors would then be Killed In a Mass Ritual to Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, to grant them Victory.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now