Sōryoku-sen (Total War)

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Empire of Japan, Tokyo, February 18th 1985

In Tokyo, While the Snow was falling and the cold air was making everyone cold, A Parade of New Soldiers were going down the streets, waving the Imperial Flag, along the soldiers, Civilians were also cheering, war fever was higher than ever, the national slogan for weeks now was ''Expel the Devils of The Papaldian Empire'', Many Western Businesses were nationalized by Takashi as the country drifted away from western ideals. 

The Country had also Grown a lot in the past 3 months, the economy boomed, many projects were completed and the Upkeep of the IJN and IJA Were ongoing at a steady pace, the GECPS Was rapidly building themselves on par with Japan and finally, Japan's Growing Diplomacy. They had met the Kingdom of Eimor, Riem and Sonal, Creating with each limited Trades with them, Bashing the old notions that nations outside the Zones would never be able to be seen as equals to them. In Addition, Name changes were made to Nations, Kua-Toine became the Shogunate of Kanta, Quila became the Okoku of Shikoko or Kingdom of Shikoku and Finally the Kingdom of Altarus became known as The Teikoku of Altarus or Empire of Altarus

Japan Also helped Pass many Vaccine roll outs in the world, seeing many deadly viruses and flues limited and in some countries eliminated, causing their populations to rise quickly, In Japan, the Companies also took great pride in their vast expansion across the world, funding the construction of factories all around the GECPS and Japan, In the Continent near Topa, where it was said none lived, their found it a gold mine of natural resources like Siberia, they began to send Workers to create plants there to begin the extraction of resources there, all to benefit Japan.

As it stood, the Countries in the GECPS Had all began to enter the 1830s if they were on earth, only with Yamuto, being 100 years ahead thanks to Japan pushing them for their annexation, Mu As well saw changes, entering the early 1960s thanks to Trade with Japan, they had also developed their first 10 000 Ton Nuclear Submarine armed with 4 Nuclear ICBMs, A Marvel they had never thought possible before.

But Japan's Main Focus was the Great Eastern War, Where Japan had enacted a Policy of Total War against Papaldia, where they made sure that everything they attacked was destroyed to the point of no return, every railroad was destroyed, every factory reduced to ash and urban centers bombed with impunity, the death toll had already grown to over 5 Million, Duro and Dunar, 2 cities with over 2 Million living inside each, had both lost more than 20% of their populations to the bombings.

Japan's Blockade also saw most of the Papaldian Navy destroyed in record scale sinking raids, with the Submarines, Jets and Ships of Japan attacking the enemy from everywhere, no where was safe, by February, the Papaldian Navy was all but gone, Nothing to challenge the Japanese in Open Combat, in the Air, Japan's Jets made sure to roll down the Wyvern lords back to hell where they belonged, killing them all and destroying their air bases to never return, the army was also bombed, with their munitions bombed daily.

But Japan's Blockade of goods had also dire effects on the Papaldian Empire, Famine, Economic Collapse and Inflation caused living conditions, already bad from bombings to fall below civilization levels. Domitian was widely unpopular now, with daily riots being crushed with brutal measures, Japan also sought to before they were to land in Papaldia to gain as much information as possible, Mapping out over the entire country, creating a detailed map and having every soldier and commander to read over it.

There was also a reason why Japan was waiting so long to Invade, the first was money and resources, Japan didn't have the Funds in any department of Resources, Cash or Information to invade such a large country, hence the bombing, 2nd was they had a serious shortage of Professional soldiers which would not commit war crimes, as was proven During WW2, so a Intensive program to train the new recruits into proper warfare doctrines, which was taking time.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now