Operation Jimmu: Hinomawari

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Yoku, Kingdom of Hinomawari, October 28th 1988

Yoku, Home to 88 000 was in the middle of a Great Ceremony, the people had been freed from the vile hands of the Gra Valkans and were happy to have ridden them of the Yoke which made life hell for them, As they went along everywhere happy, Soldiers of the 3 Banners, The Empire of Japan, The Empire of Altarus and the State of Mu fluttered in the Wind, they were the ones who in such a short time, liberated much of their Homeland and allowed them to be free once more.

Muish Soldiers Walked around the city, which they had recently liberated by the advance units of the Central Muish Front of the 27th Elite Infantry Assault Division, the Hinomawarians were happy to be Free, even more as it was from Mu, Altarus and Japan, who were treated with the highest respect where ever possible, being given gifts, food, drinks, arranged marriages even, anything for the great liberators, for they were currently crashing into Hinomawari and Liberating it in Great Speed.

In The Past Month and a Half, Mu and Japan had split open The 1.4 Million Soldiers which had occupied Hinomawari and with it, they had Thus Far Created a Serious Problem for the Enemy.

The Operation That Called for the Liberation of Hinomawari called for 5 Muish Armies and 5 IJA Armies to attack along the entire front, in 5 stages, The 1st Stage was to take the Frontline, the 2nd to breach the Front, 3rd was to drive to the center, 4th take back the entire country and finally finish it all off with a Seizing of some Minor border crossing into leifor.

They had planned it to a minute detail, using Partisans to help them, they had planned for them to cut off Gra Valkan soldiers, kill them all before doing it over and over again, they had also stockpiled as many soldiers and equipment as possible, more than any other sectors of Operation Jimmu, for Hinomawari, due to personal and nationalistic Issue was given the highest order to liberate, the slogan ''Free our Brothers'' was common both at home and the soldiers sent for the Liberation

in total they had 3 Million Soldiers, 5500 Jets, 7800 Tanks, 12 500 AFVs, 13 000 IFVs and 5 Million Tons of Supplies, it would be the largest attack against the enemy in the entire Operation. They had the entire country mapped out, they knew what every animal was called, where all the secret bases where, where the passages for faster movement were, they knew everything, Myrus, the Spy from Mu, had spent much of his time to help the partisans who in turn told him everything the GECPS now Knew.

It All began on September 11th 1988, When the 5th Muish Army, Located at the Border of Sonal, began probing attacks in the Nagosa Area, a Flatland province of the Old Kingdom, they had 300 000 Soldiers against 70 000 Gra Valkans. They Began with small scale attacks, Using AFVs and IFVs to breach the lines, Everywhere else along the Front line, the Air Force of both Japan and Mu bombed the enemy. Catching them off guard despite early warnings.

Despite it only being meant to be small time attacks, they found they were making more headway than they had planned, and then without hesitation, All the Front Attacked, leading to full bloody assault, the enemy was now fighting for their very life, the IJA and Muish Army were crashing into the lines and breaking what semblance of a front existed

By the very next Day the entire front had turned into a vicious battleground, along the entire line, The GECPS soldiers were attacking, destroying their enemy as they attacked, IJA Soldiers in the Northern Half quickly destroyed a portion of the front, pouring their forces in and creating a complete panic in the north, in the south Mu did the same but on a much larger scale.

Gra Valkas was caught off guard, being attacked from every direction and being bombarded by Missiles which destroyed most line of communications, General Randall in Leifor gave the order to pull back to the Yoku-Kyoshi Line, a the center of the country, it was build 4 months ago in the event of this exact Situation. It was a hard decision, because they would be leaving many Oil and Coal plants to the enemy, which they would destroy before they can use it, but losing them would mean they would have only 1 year of Coal and Fuel before they would run out, Leifor had Metals and Rubber, Not Oil and Coal.

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