Battle for Japan (3)

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Seas near Rodenuis, GECPS 2nd Combined Fleet, August 29th 1988

As The Fleet sailed ahead, the Captain of the Imperial Altausian Ship or IAS Pai, A man Named Alexander looked at the Incoming Fleet, both were nearly the same size, But he had never seen so many large ships entering combat at the same time before in all their history. This fleet was mostly made of ships from Riem and the Empire of Altarus, they were too far from the Air bases for the KI-20s to come to their help, but according to Katsu Yamamoto, they had it in them to force the enemy back.

Alexander had heard of what took place of the northern attacks, the total destruction of both enemy fleets, where all ships had been destroyed to the last one, now they hoped it would be 3rd time the charm, as the Jets on both sides began to fly off their Carriers, the Battle was set to begin, he looked at the Skies, he was silent, almost Like a Ghost.

As the Planes battled in the skies, it was a Mix of Jets from many other countries, 2000 Jets, he had never seen so many in his life, they were so many they blocked out the sun, missiles in the skies were exploding everywhere, and gunfights were in the skies, nothing about the Invasion felt real, it was as if the Gods were fighting in front of his ship using flying ants, it was surreal.

As the Planes fought and metal dropped from the skies onto the ocean, they sometimes had to fire shot into the sky to destroy falling jets which would have collided with them. What felt like hours was only 30 minutes, but the numbers had already fallen by 400 in the skies, and he wasn't able to tell who had lost more, his side or the enemy, as he looked, the enemy came into sight, They were were formidably scary even from a long distance

The fleet was arranged in a Giant Reverse V formation, the opposite to their own, the GECPS Formation began to spread out to avoid a hail of attack that would be focused on them, Missiles began to be fired from the ships towards the others, Alexander watched in amazement as many missiles moved around and attacked the others, creating massive explosions, making so much smoke in the air that one could almost not see the sun.

''Amazing...Truly It is'' He said as he watched the Air battle

As he looked at the Jets clashing, the sound of battle got closer and closer, until it was unmistakable that they were in the thick of it, cannons firing at the enemy, ships being hit and being set in small flames, his ship as well was firing the 2 frontal 15.5cm guns they had, one to destroy any shells coming for them while the other fired at the enemy.

As the Battle Raged on all around, the sea began to be Crowded by oil on fire, creating a hellish landscape, Alexander watched as a Enemy Destroyer, already heavily damaged, exploded from being hit by one of his shells, it was their first ever kill as a Destroyer or even in battle.

But all of a Sudden, A Missile slammed into one of their Carriers, right in the side, creating a intense explosion, The Metal of the Carrier blended at the sight of the explosion, creating a hole of which melting metal burned and sailors tried to put out the flames, But the Carrier was still able to function.

The Battle continued, the air got thick with gunpowder and smoke, even the cabin had so much they began to cough, men fainted from the intense fighting, At this point over 50 ships on both sides, a quarter of their fleets had been sunk, but yet the battle continued, in the air, they were now able to see the sun once again, for the planes had been reduced by a large margin, from 2000 Jets in the skies to less than 1000, with the GECPS having more Jets it seemed, their superior firepower giving way.

''Sir! Sir! Message from The Japanese!'' His XO Yelled

''Just for us? Read it'' Alexander said

''No Sir the Entire Fleet! It reads:

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now