War Speech and Imperial Conference

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Empire of Japan, Prime Minister's Office, May 1st 1987

Haruno's Hands shook as he looked at the camera, Japan had by the Hot head Kondo losing his cool, he had already been drafted into the Army in the Hopes of redeeming his Honor, but now he had to tell the country they were at war, the people all knew already, they were outraged at the slander, many were demanding for War, As he looked at his Watch, It was Now 3:15PM, The time for his speech was now, he sucked his air into his lungs and began to speak.

His Speech had laced with lies to paint that the war was not only because of racial issues but also Personal issues.

''People of Japan, Loyal Citizens of the Emperor, This is The Prime Minister of the Empire of Japan, Haruno Takashi Speaking, Last Week, At the End of April 1987, The United States of Gra Valkas, which on numerous occasions have shown hostile views to us, have seen to commit a declaration of War upon us by provoking us into a arm conflict, Their reasoning is that we have on so many occasion proven to be a danger to the natural order of the world, But such lies can easily be disproved by our acceptance to Peace and our Many Pieces of Paper which prevents us from doing what they claim we do.

I shall keep this Speech short as the Gravity of War is not meant to be dragged with Words but with Actions

As it is well known, The enemy resembled the United States of Our World, Thus we can surmise that A outcome similar to what we have achieved may be found, But of course we cannot predict the outcome of a war by simply speaking of numbers and giving our conclusion, wars are won by minds and by fighting the enemy to surrender, by the soldiers and by the supreme will of the people to desire a better outcome, Our War is just that, to seek Victory against a country which has hurled a lie, which is a affront to our very honor.

As this war shall be a World War upon which the fate of the very world may hang in the hands of Us or the Enemy, we must be ready for any hardships, must see that the entire country be made into a single camp, a warrior camp, we must build more tanks, ships, Jets and rifles, the military must be seen to triple or perhaps ever increase by 6 folds to fight against the enemy. As Such we require more than 4% of the country to be under arms by the end of the Year and that by 1989 we have a Naval fleet of 1000 Ships alongside a Air Force of 8000 by 1989. It is all to win this war as quickly and as resolutely as possible

That is why the whole of our valiant Imperial Army, the whole of our valiant Imperial Navy, all the falcons of our Air Force, all the peoples of our country, all the finest men and women of The World who stands alongside us—denounce the treacherous acts of the Gra Valkans, sympathize with the Imperial Government, approve its conduct, and see that ours is a just cause, that the enemy will be defeated, and that we are bound to win.

We always wanted peace, we tried many times to prevent the use of armed conflict, but when backed into a corner of glory or decline, we have to choose glory, our democratic principles must not falter, The enemy is not so strong as such rumors paint them to be, We can win, No. We Must Win, The Emperor commands us to win, and we must not let his words become the waste of lies.

We Now have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering, We have before us a War which upon the world will make or Break empires. You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that the Gods can give us; to wage war against a monstrous Brute which since the very arrival has time and time again use the Machiavellian Schemes to place upon a system of which they control the entire world as mere puppets to one man, one government, One tyranny. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: victory. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Let that be realized; no survival for Japan, no survival for all that Japan has stood for, no survival for the urge and impulse of the ages, that mankind will move forward towards its goal.

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