Treaty of Leiforia

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IJN Yamato, July 8th 1990

Gra Valkan Diplomat York, dressed in a general's Uniform, his father's, he was looking at the Battleship, the IJN Musashi, it was huge, the guns were too large for him to think, and around the ship was a fleet which boasted the power of the world, the city in front of him, a city he lived in just months prior, had been destroyed, he was sure he saw hung bodies, but he could be wrong.

As he walked to the Desk, which had been made in time for the Peace Treaty, York could not stop himself from showing anger on his face, since the ''surrender'' 2 weeks prior, the country was in utter chaos, the people could not see that they had actually lost, even when they wanted the war to end, riots were taking place and a Radical Pro-Peace but Nationalist Soldier, named Thomas Gralux, who was a Direct Descendant of the Past Monarchy which ruled them, was gaining power and influence, his plans remained unknown. The Socialist and Fascist were fighting in the streets, and the soldiers which were coming home, found a troubled country

As York thought of these issues at home, he saw Kito and Naruhito, The Diplomat and Crown Prince, he fought the urge to attack them,but he was on a mission, to save his country, he sat down and Kito spoke to him.

''Glad to see you make it in one piece'' Kito said

Both men had met many times, in Eimor where both, despite hating the country, had form a deep respect for the other on their firm stances on the war and their cool levels head, they even engaged in secret talks in between talks, despite both sides fighting the war with pure hate in their eyes, Kito and York had found a way to forget the hate for a time.

''As I am, The Journey was Harsh, We had Little Food due to the speed i was sent'' York Admitted

''Would you like to partake in a Post-War Dinner? As a Sign to Show our willingness on Future relations?'' Naruhito Interjected

York nodded, he wanted it to be done and return home, Kito took out a piece of paper, the peace treaty, Kito then spoke.

''As Per the Agreement of the Victorious powers, Magnanimous in Victory, have issued their 8 point treaty to the United States of Gra Valkas, And Today, July 8th 1990, the 2650th Year of the founding of Japan, hereby Sign This Statement'' Kito said as he handed it to Naruhito

''As Crown Prince of the Empire of Japan, with the powers of the Sun Goddess herself, hereby give the Imperial Seal'' He said as he signed it with the Seal

York looked at the Treaty, each point made his sweat get bigger, but at the same time it wasn't as harsh he expected it to be, the Power of M.A.D had prevented that he was sure of it. As he looked at the Points, he found himself dumbfounded by how precise it was.

Article 1: The United States of Gra Valkas Shall Pay a War Reparation of 400 Billion $ over the next 25 Years with first payment due in 1993 or 1648, the 25 Billion Yearly may be in Resources, Food, Weapons or Actual Cash, 20% shall be to Japan, 25% to Mu and 55% among the rest of the GECPS, which may vary on who gets how much due to damages in the War

Article 2: The United States of Gra Valkas Shall not have a Army Larger than 2 Million Soldiers. The Army may not have a Paramilitary or Militia Force, any such force will be disbanded and banned

Article 3: The United States of Gra Valkas Shall not have more than 1.5% of their GDP on the Military for a Period of 15 Years to 25 Years, afterward the Limit is Increased to 3%, Article 3 may be bypassed if given direct consent by the GECPS to abandon in time of great national crisis.

Article 4: The United States of Gra Valkas Shall Not have a Navy totaling a weight of 2 500 000 Tons, The Navy shall have no more than 10 Carriers, should the navy exceed the limit, a ship which would bring the Tonnage to the number needed will be given away to a Member of the GECPS for a Fix Price.

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