Global War (1)

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Kingdom of Hinomawari, Imperial Palace, May 28th 1642

In the Imperial Palace, Gra Valkan Soldiers walked around, keeping it under tight watch, Assault Rifles armed and ready, 16 days ago they invaded Hinomawari over being too Pro-Japan and making a fake attack on their embassy, invading with 660 000 New Recruits, overrunning the country in 3 days and taking their Oil and Coal for their own gain. This opened a Huge Flank of Mu, which failed to fill the gap and now a Pocket the Size of Honshu was along the Old Muish-Hinomawari Border, it only stopped as the Muish reserves arrived and delivered a brutal counter attack which stopped the advance.

The War, which was now 1 month old, was a Brutal One, Across the Fronts, everyone was fighting and using everything they had to win, Chemical Attacks were common along the Front, Especially near Alue and Sonal, Already 1 Million have died on both sides, In Ports across Mu, Japanese Soldiers began to Land and Make their Way to Both the Hinomawari Front and the Leifor Front, having been given new orders On the seas, small naval battles took place which neither side was able to show who was superior. In the Air battles, the Gra Valkans had Limited Air Supremacy Across the Front.

But with half the continent under their control, the United States of Gra Valkas had a Edge over Japan, they had a Barrier to defend themselves against Possible attacks. And for the time being they would be able to eliminate potential dangers to their occupation.

Now the Imperial Family, the House of Tosa, Directly Related to the imperial Family, was gathered in the courtyard, the Gra Valkans would show the world what happens to the leaders of the world which sides with Japan. as the Emperor, Empress and their 8 kids were escorted to the courtyard, they all looked around with fear.

Across the Kingdom,the other Imperial Family members had already been shot and killed, since they were seen as lesser than the Main imperial Family, they were not given the courtesy of being shown to the world. But this was different, as the world watched, they would commit Regicide.

As the Imperial Family stood alone, the soldiers escorting them suddenly turned their guns on them, And Fired, the sound of thunder was heard as the Entire Imperial Family was shot dead, the soldiers then quickly went about their duties as if nothing took place.

This was a event which shook the world, the brutality of it saw many nations send a strong winded condemnation, but none was more vocal than Japan, which went livid upon hearing the news, They would propagandizing the hell out of the event, painting the USGV as evil incarnate, Making them into demons which wanted to enslave, rape and kill all Japanese they found, that they wanted to put the world into the binds of slavery once again, this and many more reasons saw Japan sign a no prisoner policy, taking all gloves of for the war clean off, and soon, the USGV would learn of Japan's vengeance.

A City of Timber, A City of Ash was the codeword of the day

It was during this time as well that a National Crisis took place, Emperor Hirohito, which his cancer advanced from stage 1 to Stage 2, collapsed during a Imperial Conference, he did not wake up for 4 days, during which he received care and seemed to recover quickly, but now the world knew the Emperor was dying, something everyone would take advantage of if they had the chance. Losing A Popular Leader in a war is always bad, even more when everyone saw him as a God.

But for Now, the war continued to escalate, during the summer months, Japan and Mu Contained the USGV in bloody battles at Alue and along Sonal, at Alue, 88 000 IJA Soldiers repulsed back at heavy losses some 300 000 Gra Valkans during July, during which they found that the USGV had lied about having powerful armies, it seemed that they had a less than powerful army that Japan led to believed, with Tanks, Cannons and more being made with cut corners, which meant that they were 80% as deadly as first thought. 

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