Siege of Leiforia: Battle

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Leiforia, May 10th 1645

General Randall was eating a Slice of Bread, the only food he had left, He had lost much of his weight over the past months, as it stood, he was a dead man walking, in a few weeks the city would fall for sure, he just didn't know how or when. But one thing was for certain, life was hell for him.

Ever since they were forced to the city during Operation Meiji, which also saw the vast majority of the Remaining soldiers destroyed, the city fell into a Siege, where the IJA, some 2 Million In All, kept them locked in the city and were trying to force them to surrender, the Japanese Jets had been bombarding the city for weeks now, killing some 88 000 Civilians and making a good portion of the city rubble, yet they had still to attack.

Inside the city, the 6 Million residents were restless, having never thought the situation possible, and with a lack of food, the people were daily begging for something to change, but Randall was adamant, he would hold the city for as long as possible.

during the past month, he had been building defenses and underground factories, while it was nothing to help the dire situation they were in, it did allow them to at the least produce ammo and weapons in limited capacity.

But nothing would change that he and the soldiers will be killed in due time, either by hunger or by the Japs, he hated them, they looked odd, acted odd and were nothing but blood lust demons out to kill, rape and pillage his country, his thoughts were filled with thoughts such as these, but they were cut short by his Secretary calling for him.

''General Randall? A Call for you on Line 4'' His Secretary said

Randall Picked up the Phone, the person on the other end spoke first.

''Mr.Randall?'' The Voice asked

''Yes, what is it?'' Randall Asked

''My name is Alexander Dugall, Foreign Affairs Deputy, We are calling to ask if you had any pleas from the enemy to surrender as of late?'' Dugall asked

''Not that I know of, And if I did, i would refuse them, as per the orders i have'' Randall replied

Randall had gotten pleas from the IJA to lay down his arms many times but he had always refused, because he knew if he did, they would be killed to a man. As Such, he refused time and time again, but it was clear the Japanese Patience was running thin, a buildup of troops had been noticed.

Dugall didn't say anything for a few seconds

''Good, keep fighting Mr.Randall'' Dugall hung up the Phone

''Rude'' Randall said to himself as he went back to eating

As he Ate, he heard the daily sound of enemy Cannons being fired, something he had been use to for days now, but something was odd about them this time, they seemed to be coming from the Waters and not the front, like it was the Navy attacking them.

As he ate, he thought to himself when would the Japanese break the Tense and morbid stalemate, he didn't have to wait long as he got his answer soon.

On May 12th 1990, the IJA finally began their offensive to take the city, attacking along the entire front, using their tanks as shock troops, followed by IFVs and APCs, where they would break the enemy and allow the Infantry to plow into the city and take it with little losses. 

The Attacks began at the crack of dawn, where the enemy was already tired from 2 days of constant bombardments, the attacks quickly saw some of the defenses break almost instantly, but other areas gave fanatical resistance, and the units which managed to enter the city, found that the rubble of which they had created, along side the narrow streets, would turn their advance into a crawl, and it did.

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