Gim to Jin Hark in 3 Days (1)

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Laurian Camp near Gim, March 26th 1639

It's been 3 days Since the War Started, During which, 2 ports of Lauria were destroyed and taken, their Navy destroyed and their attack for Gim Ending in complete Failure, but not anymore.

The Laurian Army, which was meant to Take Gim days ago, was currently preparing for their 2nd attack, they thought the 5000 Japanese would have no ammo left to fight with. from bombarding them all these days, not knowing that both Lauria and Japan failed to see the other had moved into a better position, leading to only 5000 Dead laurians. The Japanese also got reinforcements, of 20 000 Soldiers under General Mayumi, who assumed full command of the War, his Orders were simple, Take his Division and Drive right for the Enemy Capital and take it, ending the war quick and easy. 

On the Laurian Side, After the first attack, General Patajim and Adem were taking their time and seeing what the best course of action was, sending scouts during the night and using their Wyverns to scope where the enemy was, finding just how deep their defenses was, but at the same time seeing how easy it would be to destroy them in a attack from all sides. But now they were given orders to attack in full might, so as a diversion, they had sent 200 men under Red eye Jones, a notorious Killer to attack a Village of elves further south, this was already underway.

As General Adem looked at Gim, he thought of all the ways he would torture the city once it fell, he knew 8000 would never win against 190 000. He would leave no survivors, and then at Ejay, they would again kill all the enemy, they would turn Kua Toyne into a graveyard of all the demi-humans, and then, Fenn and Gahana would fall, they would built their long awaited Empire.

Just then, He saw a Sole Soldier from the Enemy walking towards him with a Strange Flag, it was white and had a single Red Circle in the Center, his men stood ready to attack, once the man was just shy of being within the camp of Adem, he shouted to the Camp.

''The Emperor has Graced us with Mercy! Under his orders we Propose a Conditional and Honorable surrender! All We ask is the Commander to Commit Seppuku! Do you Understand!'' the Japanese Shouted

Adem began to laugh. So did the Entire camp, what the Japanese was saying was so insane that he could not help but laugh, Adem then took out his sword and yelled back while trying not to laugh again.

''Good Joke Half-Wit! You Yellow Bastard think Lauria will lose to the likes of You? a 'Japanese'? Get out of here before i Skin you alive'' Adem said, every word laced with venom

The Japanese said nothing as he went back to his Camp, Adem laughed as he left, he didn't even tried to counter, truly their enemy was the lowest in the world and the first attack was pure luck, but now they will be drowned in a sea of blood.

The 2nd Battle of Gim was set to Begin.

Japanese Camp, Same time

General Mayumi, Looked at the enemy as they prepared to Attack, he knew of their plans thanks to themselves making whatever they planned easy to tell, his plan was once they were ready to attack, to bombard them and then attack, cutting them all down to a man before he would march to Jum Hark, their Capital, his APCs Would allow him to get there in 3 Days, as he saw the Messenger return, he deeply bowed As he came in. General Mayumi, Bowed as well.

''They have refused Showa's Grace for Surrender, The Enemy is willing to fight, For my Utter failure, I Request Forgiveness'' the Messenger said

''Your Fogiven, go back to your Unit'' General Mayumi, said

''Yes Sir!'' the soldier saluted as he left

As he left, Mayumi looked at the report in his hand and sighed, what it said was simply put, going to cause so many problems in the future.

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