Operation Jimmu: Holy Mirishrial Empire

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Mirishrial Shogunate, Cartalpus, January 15th 1989

IJA Soldiers Holding the Lastest machine Gun, the Howa Type 88, Which was meant to replace all Guns, Patrolled the bombed out streets, behind them was their IFV to protect them, the 35mm Cannon pointed to the buildings, They were making sure the resistance was crushed with brutality, For them, this was China all Over Again, except this time around, there was no Civilians to Massacres, Josuke takashi made sure of that. But as they walked, no one was around to fight back, only the dead and the fearful, those who were alive, stayed hidden to avoid the IJA

The City of 2 Million had been reduced to a Ghost town. The City was once filled with life, and people going to the Bars every night, now, no one was around to see what Japan had done to the city.

But how did this Happen? It had all to do with the Japanese And operation Jimmu: Holy Mirishrial Empire, which would be the first time in 1400 Years a Foreign Army Invaded the HME and Succeeded in surviving.

It Began on September 12th 1988, when 750 000 IJA Soldiers landed in the 2 Most Eastern Provinces of the HME, Milotian and Milo, which held a Population of 16 Million Combined and held 1/5 of the Food Production and 1/6 of their Total landmass, the Landings were easy enough, catching the HME off Guard and taking the Key ports without much resistance, the small Navy and garrisons which was meant to stop them were destroyed by the IJN and IJA as they arrived, they stood no chance.

But once they began to move inland in their battle Groups North, Center and South, In the Attempt in taking both Provinces, the HME army, which amounted to 3 Million soldiers Attacked, Forcing the Japanese Offensive dead in It's tracks, they had only taken half of the Provinces. but they had landed in the HME, which was unmistakable in the moral boosting victory to Japan, the GECPS and the World.

To the World, no one had even managed to Invade the HME in centuries, never having even won against their superior power, for Japan to put a end to the HME Myth of Supposed Power was huge, many nations began to align closer with Japan than Before, And Now Japan was credited with being the Strongest In the World, the 177 Million Japanese being Hailed in many countries as Supermen, men who could not be defeated in battle, Adding to the Prestige and Power of Japan was the Now 22 Carriers Japan Boasted, alongside the 980 Other Ships of the Empire, it was The Largest, most powerful Navy in the World.

In the Occupied Lands, the IJA Carried out Brutal Anti-Partisan Raids, Using the Kempeitai To Find, Arrest and Kill anyone they found which were Against the Regime, in just 10 weeks, the Kempeitai would see 100 000 Killed, They Also in the Port of Milo, Helped proclaimed Germin As Shogun of a New Mirishrial Shogunate, with The Entire HME lands besides Lands near Eimor, Traditionally Disputed Lands being Part of the New Country.

The Entire world Reacted with Mix reactions, the GECPS gave their support, neutral states accepted Japan's ever Growing Influence and imperialistic Tendencies and the Ragna Pact Reacted in Utter Horror that Japan would seek to Continue to Upset the Balance of Power so openly, Japan Also sought to make sure that in the Post-War World, only they would be the strongest in the world, As in, A Hyper-power, and by controlling the HME, it would do the Job.

After a Few Tense Tank battles where the IJA Tanks inflicted heavy losses on the HME In Tank Battles on the Plains of the HME and the Air Force destroying the HME Air Power in the East, they prepared in November for a 2nd Round of Attacks after building supply lines. Which had been destroyed by the IJA and IJN during the initial Landings and Bombings, but the question remained for who would be overall commander, which had been left blank as they didn't know who would be good enough for the Task.

The 40 Year Old General Katomori Was Placed as Overall Commander, having showed Promise during the 1984-1986 Military Build Up, His Age and Keen use of modern Tactics made him a chosen man for the Job, he was sent to the front and went to work making a concrete plan to achieve what he was sent to do.

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