57 - Greenie Day

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A/N: I'm sorry if this might disappoint you, but in this book, there won't be an endgame YET! Guess what that means! 🥳 (of course there will still be romance in this book)


Eventually, I just slept next to Chuck in our favorite corner. I acted like I didn't notice Newt keeping watch on us from a distance, but felt genuinely fluttered by his protectiveness.

"Chuck!" I shook the sleeping boy awake in the morning. "There's gonna be a new Greenie! I have to give him the tour!"

Chuck groaned. "I already knew that."

"And I have a day off because of that!" I excitedly said, pulling the only half-awake Chuck off the ground.

Chuck rubbed his sleepy eyes. "I also knew that."

"I hope it's a girl." I smiled deeply.

"You made that very clear yesterday." Chuck sighed and wiped some dirt off his clothes.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I'm just excited." I crossed my arms. "Come on!"

Chuck was forced to go with me since I pulled his arm when the familiar alarm went off. Almost, I started running, but that would look crazy.

A few boys already stood there, looking down in the Box, which came to a stop with coming up. Impatiently I watched Gally and Newt open it and Gally jump in.

"Day one, Greenie." He grabbed the Greenie's shoulders. "Rise and shine."

By Gally's reaction, I could tell it was probably not another girl. Roughly Gally pulled the kid out of the Box, throwing him on the ground.

Well, that's definitely different from the way Newt treated me.

I caught a glimpse of the short brown hair, so unless it was a short-haired girl, it was a boy. A bit disappointed I watched the boy twist around, not being able to see his face yet. The boys circled him, all laughing and shouting.

"He looks like a Slopper to me."

"I could use some help in the kitchen."

The boy crawled onto his feet and pushed the Gladers out of the way, then he started running. They all started laughing loudly, pointing at the poor kid. Even Newt was laughing.

Shucking babies.

"Hey, we got a Runner!" Zart screamed.

If I had to be honest, the boy was fast. Not as fast as Minho, but definitely fast enough to be a Runner, until.. he tripped and fell. I winced, feeling his pain and embarrassment.


The boys laughed even louder as the boy got up, his mouth falling open. He spun around, staring at the walls surrounding him.

"Take it all in!"

"No way back!"

I rolled my eyes at how childish those boys were and noticed Alby walking over to the Greenie, taking him with him, also rough. Why? They could be a little gentle! We only got one Greenie a month, so there's no need to handle them so roughly, right?

"Show's over!" Someone ordered. Soon they all walked away, not laughing or shouting anymore. It surprised me how fast everyone changed moods. I was cheerful most of the time, but that could also be because of Chuck, Newt, and Minho. They just cheered me up a lot, simple as it was.


I sat down against a tree, watching Newt and the Greenie shake hands. I was too far away to inspect the boy's face, so were still excited to meet him.

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐥 ✭ TMR Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now