Side-Story: 2

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Side-Story: 2 - Alternative ending to be continued... - Part 2

»Do I look good?«

Insecurely, I looked over my shoulder and saw my siblings standing in my room right behind me.

Carlyle nodded, excited that I would go out with my mate. However, Emma looked critical. I still couldn't tell if it was because I went out tonight while she was here or because my outfit wasn't to her liking.

Casimir said, I didn't have to overdress because we would eat at his home. But I would still meet his parents, so I didn't want to dress too casually.

A beige coloured polo shirt and crocodile green pants. Added to that, my white sneakers and well, that was all. My light coloured hair was obviously a bit styled, but nothing more.

»Of course, you look good with those genes«, Emma nagged and crossed her arms,

before she twisted her eyebrows. »Put a white dress-shirt underneath the polo shirt. It will look a bit better and not like you are coming home from I don't know what. If you are meeting his parents, do it right.«

I hadn't told them that he was adopted, but he considered them his parents, so I didn't correct my siblings. And there wasn't even anything to correct.

»I think it already looks good«, Carlyle argued.

»You only think about passing your exam, Carl«, Emma hissed back and Carlyle obviously got offended and opened his mouth wide.

»Don't you dare look at me like that!«, Emma snarled and then they both escalated.

Carlyle transformed first and crashed into our sister who shifted shapes at the last second. Both rolled out of my room while biting each other. Not so hard one would bleed, but still a fight.

»Can you two stop?!«, I yelled after them, annoyed by their manners.

How could I ever bring Casimir over without him getting a heart attack? Impossible. Just impossible.

However, I still took Emma's argument seriously and put on a white dress-shirt. Fixing the collar in front of the mirror, I took a last look at my outfit, before I left my room.

»When are you back?«, my father asked from the kitchen. He was cooking together with my mother. The fighting siblings were still going on with their quarrel.

»I don't know. Maybe I can even stay over at his place.« I didn't put my hopes up, still, hope was there. His family, including his parents and his brother, wouldn't stay over at his place as far as I was informed. His apartment was too small for that.

My father hummed something in understanding and concentrated back on cooking.

Before I left the apartment, I grabbed my phone and headphones.

The subway was quite full but manageable, though I needed to stand. With music blasting my ears, I endured the drive and went out at the station that was a few minutes walk to Casimir's place away.

I rang the bell outside the building and waited for him to open the door for me. It only took seconds, before the buzzing sound came and I could push open the door.

He lived in a house for more than one person, sometimes families. We did too, but our apartment was much bigger than all of those inside this building. The apartments in this building were just right from the largeness for one person.

I mounted the stairs and went up five floors, before I was greeted with an open door and a nervous but brightly smiling Casimir.


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