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Chapter 6266: Sleeping position, can't describe!

Mo Yunjue looked at the scene in front of him, and quickly thought of yesterday's situation in his mind, and he suddenly sighed, "I slept here for one night last night?"

Ling'er is also embarrassed. As a good-quality dragon, she doesn't care about her image so much normally.

Looking at the slightly embarrassing appearance of the two, Shangguan Yingying said directly, "You two are not bad, do look at them?"

Listening, Mo Yunjue and Ling'er Wei was startled, the table and chairs blocked their sight, and the two couldn't help walking to Baili Hongzhuang's side, and immediately saw the sleeping Zhengxiang Wen Ziran and the three.

"Haha." Mo Yunjue laughed seldomly, "Their sleeping posture is too dissipated."

"Looking carefully, only Yanche's sleeping posture is better. I've seen it, and finally Ziran and Xiao Xuanzi, I really don't know what to say."

Shangguan Yingying sighed, and Ziran's sleeping position like this is fine. Now it's good, everyone has seen it.

When the four lines of sight fall on a person, even if the person originally slept very sweetly, he would have some perception, so Wen Ziran slowly woke up under everyone's gaze.

With the opening of his eyes, he saw four pairs of eyes looking at him, and suddenly there was a sharp spirit, and his face directly touched Xiao Xuanzi's feet.

He subconsciously picked up the thing that touched his face, and after noticing that it turned out to be a foot, he quickly threw it aside and sat up.

After seeing that it was Shangguan Yingying four, he was relieved, "What's going on?"

"You can see what's going on for yourself!"

Turning their heads, Baili Yanche and Xiao Xuanzi also woke up, and the blank faces of the two also caused everyone to chuckle.

"Cough cough." Facing the joking gazes of everyone, Wen Ziran also felt a little uncontrollable on his face, and couldn't help but said, "Where did Beichen go?"

"I don't know."

"From my point of view, Beichen might have fallen asleep in a corner we didn't pay attention to. Let's go find him." Wen Ziran said.

"Are you looking for me?"

Di Beichen's figure slowly appeared in the sight of everyone. Compared with the messy Wen Ziran and others, Di Beichen is refreshingly dressed.

"Beichen, did you wake up earlier than us, so you changed your clothes first?" Wen Ziran couldn't help but cried out when he saw Di Beichen suddenly appear.

"I went back to my house to sleep last night." Di Beichen said calmly.

"Liar!" Xiao Xuanzi looked unbelievable, "Yesterday you obviously drank more than us."

"You went back to the house, why did I sleep with Yingying?" Baili Hongzhuang looked confused.

Di Beichen smiled lightly, "I planned to go back with you last night, but you and Yingying have been together since you drank too much.

I called you to go back, and you said you want to be with Yingying, so I went back after sending you to the house."

Actually, Baili Hongzhuang and Shangguan Yingying looked at each other, thinking about the sporadic memories of last night in their minds.

Suddenly, when a picture came to mind, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but vomit. She stuck out her tongue, "It seems like this is really the case."

"Isn't it?" Wen Ziran looked frustrated, "Since you were fine last night, why didn't you send me back to the house?"

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