Our new 'human life' Mutant Style

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"There's an apartment down there, what do you say we hide out there for awhile?" I suggested.
"And how are you planning on getting money for the mansion Einstein?" Max said, sarcastically, as always.
"You know I'm tired of your dumb comments," I snapped.
"You would know, I get them from you," he said with no emotion.
"Ugh ill show you," I mouthed while flying away. I airbender myself to what I'm assuming is the mall. I went behind it and blood bended a guy to come towards me. I put him in a deep sleep and took his cash, he had over $240, I knew who my targets were gonna be. I pulled about another 30 or so people and got an overall product of $6, 500. Then I flew until I found a huge piece of land that was owned by a rich couple. I of course blood bended them and tied them up in the basement. As i laid them up against the wall i seen how innocent they were. Lucky for them they were human. i looked at the girl whose strawberry hair fell over her shoulders, and the big mop of hair that was placed perfectly on the guys head.
"oh please, dont tell me you are in love with the first guy you see. YOU could do so much better than him! Besides he's obviously married." Max said interrupting my thoughts. Thanks to Frankenstein, im never alone.
"why are you stalking me to begin with?"
"you honestly think i was gonna just leave you helplessly?" i left an obvious silence.
"ouch, that hurts." he responded.
"Oh please. You don't care about anything. And I can take care of myself perfectly."
"I do care...." He said with a soft sigh.
"You do?" I said nervously and shy. He shut me off and ignored my question. Then I got back in the air to get back.
"Took you long enough," Max started. I ignored him and started talking to Raven and Luke.
"I found a place we could live, and it's a mansion," I said eyeing Max.
"Cool! Lets go!" Luke said trying to fly towards the place he thought was the direction of the mansion. We flew to the mansion and Raven and Luke were amazed. As we walked to the front of the huge door Max had to say something, as always.
"Not bad," He said
"Pfffft, whatever," I responded.
"What I said not bad."
"Like you care," I whispered. He turned me around to face him and growled.
"I thought I told you," he said.
"Yeah, you were VERY specific," I said sarcastically, Max was acting weird, besides him being a werewolf.
"Anyways, you did good, honestly."
I interrupted him with an eye roll. "You went out of your way, not to mention by yourself with out my permission, and got what we wanted, except you know, we're dead broke, but I'm sure...." I interrupted him by pulling out the big wod of cash I practically stole.
"And I don't need your permission, I'm almost 22."
"And I'm ALMOST 24, big deal, anyways, where did you get this," he asked.
"For me to know and you to never find out." I teased. We walked into the house and met up with Raven and Luke, then we toured ourselves. We each chose our own room, and it was a huge place so there was another 10 rooms unoccupied. Each room had its own bathroom, if theres one thing i want in my entire life was to have my own bathroom. We really didnt know what to do. So we just found this circular thing, that later we found out was called dvd. They of course didnt know what a to do so i volunteered to play it. Just a little shock of electricity.
"You should try to act more normal rather than showing off your 'blue skills'" Max chimed in. We sat down and watched a movie that was called The Grey, and lucky Max, it was about wolves. Afterwards we just went back to our rooms, and probably did the same thing as me, which was be nosy and snoop around, after I had my investigation I found a pair of pajamas, that I honestly didn't bother to put on. I was still new to this 'human life' I laid down on the bed and stared violently at the ceiling, finally I got up and went to the backyard. I air bended myself up on the roof. I stared at the starless midnight blue sky. And for a couple of minutes it was only me and the moon, then Raven, Luke and Max came through a black portal that Raven makes.
"What are you doing here all alone?Max asked stern.
"I can take care of myself..... Anyways, I just came here to..." But of course was interrupted by Max,
"To take on some more bad guys, come on Alex, you already proved yourself, the ENTIRE world doesn't need to know how awesome you are." I gave him an eye roll.
"I couldn't sleep," I finished. Max came next to me and put his hand on my leg rubbing it up an down and gave that 'you're not alone' face, but instead of smiling in return I flicked his hand off.

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