Planning pt 5

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By the way sorry for all of the 'planning part ?'
I'm out of titles for now, but I doubt anyone pays attention to the titles.
Thanks for reading and your patience.

Raven's pov

"Out of all of the names in the entire world, you chose for our last name to be 'The Riggles?'" I asked Luke.
"Don't you thinks it sounds funny?" He answered laughing up a little but.
"I guess so. It kinda does." I said laughing as it played in my head.
"Anything to drink ma'am?" The waiter asked me.
"A raspberry lemonade is fine." I answered, the waiter gave me some what of a 'you're an adult, act like it' look but I just waved him off.
"And for you sir?"
"Same thing." Luke said, the waiter rolled his eyes and walked off.
"This is really nice." I said.
"Yes it is, but definitely not as nice as you look." He said with that tone in his voice.
"Thank you." I blushed.
"Here you go. Are you ready to order? Would you guests like a kids menu?" The waiter said with a smirk.
Luke looked straight and deep into the waiters eyes and they didn't lose contact for a minute straight. I knew what he was doing.
"Uh, um, I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me. Uh, do you know what, uh, you want to order?" He asked nervous and his hand was shaking with the pen and note pad.
We both gave him our orders and he said, "great choice, I'll tell the chefs." He said eager to leave.
"What did you do this time?" I asked with a smirk.
"I made him see himself have maggots coming out of EVERY part of his body, his wife was really messing with his dad, his daughter is a Griffen and his son is a very ugly demon slash gargoyle." Luke laughed proudly.
"I taught you well."
"More like the other way around. You wouldn't be as funny if it weren't for me."
"If it makes you sleep at night."
"You make me sleep at night." He said reaching for my hand across the table.
I didn't notice that Alex and Max weren't here till the waiter had brought only two plates.
I started to eat then Luke stopped eating and wiped his face with a napkin.
"Don't tell me you are full?" I teased gobbling down my food.
"No, of course not, I love food. It's the second thing I love, you being number one of course." He says making me blush. "I need to talk to you about something very serious." He says in a calm voice.
"Which is?" I taunt, wiping my mouth and swallowing the last piece of chicken I had.
"Raven, will you marry me and be my Mrs. Riggle?" He said serious. I couldn't help but laugh on the inside but cheered on the outside.
"Yes!" I scream making everyone look at our table, which was at the back of the entire restaurant. Luke had a relieved face and I put the ring on my finger and kissed my hand.

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