Planning pt 6

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Alex's POV

Max and I could hear Raven's voice from the back of the restaurant. I am so happy to be marrying my true mate and sharing my wedding with my best friend.
We finished out dinner and I couldn't help but hold my hand in Max's and lean against him. We waited at the front of the restaurant for Raven and Luke.
"Ready?" Max asked them.
"Definitely" Raven said eagerly.
The drive home was funny and romantic. Max and I were in the front of course and the other pair of love birds in the back. We danced to all of the songs on the radio with each of us embarrassing ourselves with our horrible voices and dance moves.
"What do you guys want to do now?" Luke asked once we entered the apartment.
"How about a movie, stay up late, eating popcorn and fatty foods." I suggest.
"That's the dream." Raven laughed.
We all got into our pajamas, blankets and pillows and made the living room our own pig pen. Luke and Raven could not stop flirting and messing with each other. They finally came to their senses and went to their room, where even weirder noises were released. I look at Max who had the same look as I did. What a sex spree our house was.

"Pssst. Alex." I heard a voice whisper.
"Uh? Ouch." I say waking up and knocking my head into the bottom of the couch.
"We need to do some shopping."
"You are kidding."
"Well yeah, we are done, its the wedding day!" She screeches. I look around and don't find the guys.
"You woke me up in a way to where I would hit my head? Knowing that no one is here?"
"Yep, its fun isn't it. Don't worry, you can get me back, if you ever get the chance." She laughs.
"Now come on. I cant let you ruin this day for me." I get up and we both jump into our bathrooms, brushing our teeth, washing our hair, shaving to where there was not a single hair on us which was ironic considering I was a werewolf, covered in hair, when I shift of course.

"Do you have any idea on what kind of style you are going to put your hair in?"
"Um. I was thinking just wearing down or maybe some sort of bun." I answered.
"What! you cant put your hair in your everyday basic styles to your wedding!" Raven exploded.
"Okay okay, you decide for me."
"Alright, well I want to where my hair down with some pretty curls, so you put yours in a bun, which I will do for you since, you are your average hoe. I'm kidding, you know I love you. I'm just nervous. What if the wedding dress isn't right, what if Luke walks out on me on the last minute?"
"One-Raven you need to calm down, you are beautiful and Luke knows what he is doing. Two- if he even puts the idea to run out on you he will be torn half to shreds and you can tear the rest. And three- do you even have a wedding dress? We didn't go shopping for you?" I asked concerned.
"Please, remember that time we went shopping after we stole money. "
"Which time, there were so many?" I asked her to clarify.
"Okay that one time you fell for that moron, I don't even remember his name, ethan. yeah that was it. Any ways I snuck one in the back seat and have kept it hidden in the closet, cause you know, if the groom sees you in your wedding dress its bad luck."
"You know, for the most introverted person, not to mentioned independent, you sure do follow everyday normal human's dreams as if they are your own."
"Yes I know, its embarrassing but you love me for it."

After what felt like an eternity, we both were fully ready. Raven looked gorgeous in her solid white dress. It was a strapless one that fit her just right, I turn to see myself in the reflection and couldn't believe the imagine looking back at me. I loved my dress. It was white as well. Rather than strapless I choose one with sleeves. 
"Ready?" Raven shrieks.
"I cant believe we are actually doing this" 
"I know! Now stop stalling, the car is downstairs."
"Car? Didn't you just say its bad luck for the groom to see the bride in their wedding dress?"
"Yes, which is why Luke made a duplicate to drive us to the place. Come on Alex."
"Ohhhhh" I laugh. "That makes more sense"
"Exactly, now more it or lose it sister." She charges and we both go running down the halls. An older couple sees us but we carry on. Ignoring the world. 

The car slowly pulls up to this beautiful forest. In the middle of no where of course. My new senses take in the smell. 
'Oh my god' I say to myself.
'I know baby. Isnt it perfect' Max answers me.
'You bet' I smile
'See you in 10'
"Lets go!" Raven orders and yanks me out of the car. I follow her down a pathway, the sound of leaves filling the atmosphere. Theres an open space at the end and we speed up as much as we can in the heels. A circular area with chairs arranged perfectly surprise me. The alter is beautiful despite it being flowerless. Without any warning, a bunch of random people appear in the seats. I look at Raven for answers.
"I asked Luke to make an audience" She smiles. 
Then the wedding march plays. I turn around looking for the source but have no luck finding it.
'walk to the alter' Max tells me. Luke must do the same thing to Raven cause she moves the same time I do.  We stand next to each other not sure exactly how this is going to work. All of a sudden, a priest comes out and then Max and Luke behind him and stand next to us.
"We are gathered here today, to wish these two amazing couples the happiest years of their lives. There could never be any more perfect people for each other. Now, repeat after me, I, Max or Luke, take thee Alex or Raven..."
"I Max, take thee Alex" Max says to me and Luke does the same for Raven
"For as long as I shall live, till death do us part" The priest continues and Max and Luke repeat.
"Now, Max, Luke, take your significant other's left hand and place the ring on their ring finger" and they do as their told. "I pronounce you Max and Alex and you Luke and Raven, husband and wife. Yall may now kiss the bride" 


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to finish this book. Man, this is my first book published on Wattpad. Looking back at it now, I cant believe I've come so far. Anyways, I just want to thank all of yall for giving this book a chance and I'm really happy it caught you guy's attention. And I hope that some of my other books will catch your attention. I will admit that this specific one is kind of a little on the kid's side and my other books are a bit more mature, more realistic with human characters, well except they are wolves, sorry I am a werewolf fan. Anyways, thanks a bunch guys, have a nice day, night, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, whatever time of year your reading this. 

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