New pain

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This is Dr.Verras or Frankenstein.
Thank you Brianna!!!

Alex's POV

I woke up again to an empty bed and as before brushed my teeth and afterwards snooped a little more. When I finished snooping I headed to the kitchen and spied on Frankenstein's and Sam's conversation.
"Has she suspected anything?"
"Nope. She's as clueless as can be." Sam answered.
"Have you treated her like a real mate?" Frankenstein asked.
"No why." He said annoyed.
"Because if you blow this up so help me I will blow your own self up." Frankenstein said irritated.
"You want me to treat her like a mate. Fine." He said slamming his hand on the table. I hurried up and ran quickly to my room and waited a few minuets. Nothing happened so I went back to the kitchen and ate breakfast as if nothing happened.
"So Dr, are we going to train again?"
"Yep. Much more than yesterday. Today is more combat and hands on fighting."
"Can't wait." I said trying my best to smiled. After breakfast I went to the bathroom to throw up what I just ate because it tasted weirder than their usual bacon and eggs.
We headed out side and there was a whole army of those guards I seen training when I was checking the place out.
"Attack!" Frankenstein yelled.
"What! I don't get any instructions first!" I yelled, but before I got an answer I was attacked with a punch directly in the face. Than an uppercut to my chin. Neck a kick to the face. Finally I blocked my face and earthbended a huge bolder at them but only took down 4 guys.
Next I got little rocks and knocking down at least 20 guards, hitting them right in the middle of their head. Then a guard shot me with electricity only this time it was stronger than what I was used to. I fell to the ground and wanted to just stay there, but I didn't want to be easy to get to, so I fought longer. I got up and got a hard punch on the guy who shocked me. Then a huge kick to some other guys head. Without any warning a guard got three little punches on my arm and I couldnt bend from that arm. No fire, water, earth or air what so ever. I tried fire bending with my other arm and the same thing happened from another guard. I threw fire from both my legs while jumping in the air, even though I got three guards down I fell flat on my face from lost of balance. I stood up to kick someone's jaw but like my arms, one of my legs was useless. I knew the same thing was going to happen with my other leg but I still used it. Sadly that one went out too. I was on the ground, tears seeping from the corners of my eyes. I used my finally weapon, making fire come from my mouth. I was quickly shut up by a huge punch to the jaw, before I knew it I was knocked out.

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