New Info. Researched pt.3

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Alex's POV

I gave up on looking for 'my situation' so I started looking at other mythical creatures. There was this ugly lion bird thing called "the jersey devil" and the background seemed to fake to be true. Max came up looking for me and he seemed nervous.
"Is everything okay?" I asked worried that there was someone coming inside.
", everything's fine," he said clearing his throat.
"Okay. Hey look at this, this ugly lion bird thing was 'supposedly' born like that from a regular human lady, and she got pregnant by the devil, but that's impossible. Right?"
"Well I mean look at us?" He responded.
"Yeah, I guess your right." He walked past me and picked up another random book.
"Did you find anything knew on werewolves?" I asked.
"Nope. Did you find anything on 'controlling the elements'?" He joked
"Nope." We walked back down and Luke and Raven were whispering to each other than stopped when we came back. Something felt suspicious, I just can't make it out.
"So where else do we go?" I said then noticed Max giving Luke and Raven a look.
"Um guys?" I asked.
"Yeah," Raven responded.
"So where else do we go?" I repeated.
"Wherever is fine." Luke answered.
"Home?" Raven suggested.
"Yeah that's fine," max agreed.
"Hold up, wait," I started.
"Aww do you have to go tinkle?" Max said doing the potty dance.
"No I'm going to make the place back to where it was that way we don't get caught!" I yelled.
"Oh please forgive me highness," Max said bowing and speaking in a weird voice. After I changed the power for the bookstore we teleported back to the mansion.
We took a seat on the comfy chairs there were and Raven and Luke were just sitting their bored out of their minds. It looked liked 7am, due to the light shade of sun appearing from the sky.

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