Please Alex

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Max's POV

I stormed in the room Alex was in. I wanted to tear everything apart. Wanted to strangle Luke's neck and Ravens too for not telling me. The two of them together and they don't even make up a brain.
I calmed down and sat down next to Alex.
"Alex, I'm sorry, again. I didn't know that's what you were doing. If I did I would have helped you. I wouldn't have let you get hurt. Alex. Please come back. I need you Alex. Please." I started crying and I wasn't embarrassed at all. I started to feel all the pain that Alex was feeling now that our mate pull reformed. I changed into some basketball shorts and a muscle shirt and got under Alex. Placed the back of her head on my chest, and turned on the tv after putting our hands together. I just stroke her hair .
'I can't believe I let this happen.' I said to my wolf.
'I know. We must be the most horrible mate there is.' He growled.
'Dont say that. If anything Sam is. I feel sorry for who ever was his real mate.' A voice answered. 'If you ask me. Y'all are the best mate there is and ever will be.' The voice continued.
'Thats Zuri. Alex's wolf.' Phoenix my inner wolf said feeling my confusion.
'What happened while y'all were there.' I asked Zuri.
'I don't know if I should tell you or Alex wants to be the one to tell you that.' Zuri answed.
'Tell me!' Phoenix yelled.
'Bro chill! Our mates just went though something horrible and you're going to act like that?' I said.
'No. No it's okay.' Zuri laughed. 'He's just being a mate. We got to a place in the desert, which I think was in Nevada. We had dinner with Dr. Verras and Sam. Dr. Verras made up this bullshit of a story saying he had an evil brother with an evil plan who you Raven and Luke were part of and that Alex was really the one mutant to ever trust. Yada yada yada. He said we train at 9 am everyday. Eat breakfast at 8 so we could have an hour to digest. Of course Alex threw up every meal she ate. The first day of training was fighting some guards with knifes and guns. Then running for hours with no breaks at like 80 miles an hour. Next day was even worst training. His gaurds learned this thing called chi blocking which can keep Alex from bending. She got knocked up bad. She was out for the rest of the day. Then she threw up from not eating and weak. Sam told her not to heal herself, she listened because I honestly don't think she had the energy to do it. Then Sam thought he could screw us without any say. But Alex, she took out his venom but had to take out yours too, bombed the entire building printed some papers and teleported here.' She explained. My eyes were wide eyed and I'm pretty sure Phoenix's was too.
' did she get shot?' I asked.
'While getting out, Dr.Verras had a whole trained army ready and punched, kicked and shot her. And they weren't scared to do it. She did the best she could to control all elements, but I mean at least she made it out.'
'I hate this.' I said and kissed Alex's forehead, avoiding any bruises or scrapes. "I'm sorry Alex." I said

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