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Alex's pov
We took the flyer down and examined the face. Then we went back home and I searched my mind to see if I remembered this face, Luke was doing whatever he could and Raven as well. We located that he was in Austin Texas. We packed out bags. Said goodbye to our 4th home and drove down to Texas. Sure we could have flew, but I guess we wanted to feel what it was like to take a road trip, on foot, some what.

The following days were hilarious. Luke was asking me non stop questions about Frankenstein, even though Max was on the verge of strangling Luke's neck. When I gave them a direct story, considering I remembered what actually happened, Luke was making fun of Frankenstein. His jokes are always funny, he can make a bad, life threatening situation be a rolling on the floor funny. Max was finally irritated and 'commanded' Luke to stop talking. He didn't exactly stop talking entirely he just stopped talking to about Frankenstein and I. We had arrived in Texas and we could immediately see a difference. The weather was somewhat sticky, if that makes sense, maybe it's because of the month we are in.
It seemed a lot different than what we imagined. There was this one part that was kinda like New York, except people can drive cars. Then we drove past this country area. Pastures filled with cows and goats. Then one pasture specifically for horses. They were really pretty, beige, brown, white, black, pinto! Beautiful. Finally we were at our destination, Austin.
We went sight seeing for a while. We seen Zilker Park and browsed Lady Bird Lake. We decided that we would visit them at night and after we catch the wanted person.
The dude was in an old barn that looked like it was about to fall right down at any second. This was in the middle of no where, like I bet you if this dude screamed or anything, neighbors miles away would probably think it's a bird or something. We caught him in a nap, why is this dude taking a nap at freaking 5 pm? Then again he looks like a hobo, dirty mustache and hair, clothes all brown and torn. Hell, he even stunk. Really bad.
I blood blended him, and I mean I pretty much put him in a coma. Messing with his vessels in his brain was all. We threw him in the truck just in case he were to wake up, he can at least be locked down.
"That was easier than what I thought?" Luke chimed.
"I know. I thought we were going to have to fight or something." Raven said.
"Nah, that dude looks weak." Max added. He was right, all boney and crusty looking.
Finally, after about 25 mins we pulled up to police station in Austin, Max tossed the dude over his shoulder and we walked inside, Raven pulled out the paper and showed it to the person of the front desk. I didn't realize it till now but we had walked passed the metal detectors and skipped everyone who was in line filling out paper work.
The office took her time before realizing what the paper had said, at first she was looking at us like we were crazy, I mean come on, a big 20 something year old dude who looked like he went through puberty at 10, Raven with her dark clothes and unpopular hair style, Luke looking all emo with his hair longer than most boys and then me, a 22 year old female with the body of a martial arts person. Could it get any more irregular?
"Let's go to the back. Officer Ramirez, take the front desk." She ordered to another officer. We followed her to the back, going down a hallway.
'Keep your guard up guys. They might be on to us.' I mind linked the three of them.
'Roger' they all said. We all piled into a room with a metal table and a huge camera at the top corner.
"Where did you find this dude?"
Does it matter? Give us the money so we can go get some more criminals.
"About 25 mins away from her." I answered as stiff as I could.
"Alright then, it's just cause we have been looking for him for over 5 years." We just looked at each other like 'okay. Money?'
"Did he give tall any trouble? Why is he passed out?"
"He's asleep, maybe from an overdose." I said saving the awkward silence that WAS in the room.
"Of course." She said. Max laid him on the desk and the officer placed the cuffs on him.
"Why don't you fill out some work and we'll get you your money."
"Can I get officer Sanchez and officer Hernandez to take wanted #54 to a cell, who will be set to trial." She said through her communicator.
As we were walking out, two officers did come in and carried the man to the back.
"Alright. Here you go?" She said handing me a clipboard with a paper and pen. "Fill this out while I get your bounty. You'd like cash or credit?"
"Um. Cash." I said, I didn't have a credit card and was not planning to have one soon.
"Of course." She said, me and the gang sat down at a table in a room, which also had a camera, was there a camera everywhere?
I looked at the form and scanned over it.
Name:                 Sex:
Age:                          Date of birth:
Medical issues:
Did the criminal give you problems?:

Where did you find him?
How did you get him:
Number we can contact you at:

'I don't know what to do guys?' I panicked at them through the link.
'Just give a fake name' Raven suggested.
'Oh yeah, and have them hunt us down'
'Okay, I'll give a fake name, but it will only be mine, I'm not going to put you guys at risk.'
'Give the papers to me Alex, I don't want you in any harm at all.'
'Don't Max. I've got this. I can handle it.' I snapped. He left out a sigh and gave up.
Name: Casey Sex: *blank
Age: 28.    Date of birth: *blank
Medical issues: none
Address: *blank
Did the criminal give you problems?
None at all
Where did you find him? In a barn
How did you get him?  Dragged him in a car
Number we can contact you at?

I took a deep breath before going out the door and heading for the desk.
'Be on guard.' I ordered them. I handed the lady the clipboard and waited for her to give me the money.
"You left a few blanks. Your suppose to fill out everything." She said.
"I know, but I want to do this as a job, and if I get into some trouble, I don't want a gang or something to go through your files and find me and all that." I said hoping that was convincing.
"I understand, do you have at least...." She started, I was hoping she wasn't going to ask for address or telephone number. "Well, I guess you really don't need that." She said.
"Thank you." I said.
"Your welcome. I guess I wouldn't want to put that down if I was doing that type of work. And your reward is $25,00." She said and started counting 5,000 dollar bills.
"I didn't know those existed." I said shocked.
"Oh yes, they do, we only use them for things like these or for investigations."
"Cool. Thanks." I said and stashed the envelope of money in my pocket holding it tight.
"Let's go." I said calling them from the door.
"Thanks again." I said waving to the officer at the desk as we walked out the station.

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