Well so much for being a badass huh? (Max's POV)

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This is dust fairy up above


I was knocked out by green gorilla dude. Once I got on my feet I was a werewolf now. I bit the gorilla right on the shoulder. He turned into a snake and slithered away. I chased him biting every chance I could. He turned into a huge crocodile and started chomping. He got my paw but wasn't anything serious, to me anyway. Next he turn into this elephant and tried smashing me. I jumped on his back and bit him as much as I could. He then turn into a wolf just like me except a little smaller. I didn't hesitate to take him out. We tumbled over each other. I got him really good on the neck but he turned into a bear and then I felt this horrible pain in my stomach and looked to see if there was a stab. There was nothing. Alex! I immediately pounded on the bear and started attacking his chest and stomach, I would have eaten him if I really wanted to. I morphed back into human despite me being naked, asked Luke to throw me in the air to get to Alex while he went back for Raven. I seen her on her knees. Looking scared at her stomach, then I noticed a thick liquid pouring out of her. I ran to her.
"Alex!" I panicked. Soon Raven and Luke came inside. "Guys! Help!" I yelled.
"How the hell do we do that!" Luke also yelling.
"Water" she uttered. I automatically went to get a huge bucket of water and some shorts to put on. I moved the water onto her hands and they started glowing, then slowly covered her wound with it and made a big glow. "Are you okay!" I choked. I didn't want to lose Alex. I couldn't loose Alex. She means the world to me.
"Um....yeah...I think so." She said broken. "We need to leave." She said back to normal. "I should have known they would find us. We are in the same freaky state."
"Shhh. You need to be careful." I said picking her up and not wanting to let her go.
"I can't believe I let her get to me like that.Let's go." She said defeated and got out of my hands and went to my room, passing us suitcases and packing her own.
"Are you sure your able to travel now." I said worried she might hurt herself just by walking.
"I'm positive." She said angry. Then we all followed her to the car and she sped down the road. I was so thankful that she was alive and okay. I felt like such a dumbass because she almost died and all these years I've treated her like shit. Said and did mean things to her. I felt so horrible, ugly, and guilty inside. I must be the most stupidest and horrible mate there ever is.
'Nope your the only stupidest and horrible mate THERE IS.' My inner wolf added.
'I know. I need to stop taking advantage of her and need to see her differently. I just can't help but say something smart to her. I guess that's my way of communication.'
'Its a stupid way of communication. Don't you think! I mean you drool over her every minute and second then when y'all talk it's like you don't even give a rat's ass about her.'
'I know I need to find a better way'
'A better way fast.'

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