Lets get something straight

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Alex POV
I wasn't sleeping very well. I woke up around 3 or 4 in the morning. I headed outside for a walk. Then I called Max so I could clear up what he was thinking.
"Hey Jerk Off! Meet me outside!" I yelled to his mind. Minutes later he had arrived.
"Um, you said to meet you here?" He shook.
"Listen hear you fucking butt licker," I said grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards me. "I don't know what kind of trick you are pulling on me..."
"I'm not tricking you. It's the truth." He interrupted. I slapped him and he stopped talking.
"Bullshit! Now, I don't want this to be brought up again, what so ever, and just to be clear, I don't believe a single word you said or are saying now. The only thing I care about now is Raven, Luke, and destroying sparkle face and her friends. I could give two shits about you and THAT is the truth. And I won't do what you did to me the last 20 years because I'm not that stupid. I just started today because I was angry and confused. And I don't want you to talk to me, look at me or even think about me." I ordered.
"Can I just say one thing?" He asked.
"Go ahead, it ain't like I haven't wasted enough of my life because of you."
"I'm sorry." He said and looked deep into my eyes as I was into his. Even though it was dark I still could see those hazel eyes shining from whatever moonlight there was left in the sky. We walked back to the cabin and he kept his distance, then once we arrived he went to his room as I fell onto the couch

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