Expect the unexpected

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Max's POV

We were laughing, talking about how Raven fell over the stairs while she was making dinner and laughing her own self. Luke was over exaggerating how she fell no matter how many times she denied.
She placed our plates on the table and we dug in. Next thing I know is Raven's jaw all the way down looking behind me.
It was Alex.
She was all bruised and beaten up. I ran up to her and she wasn't moving yet alone breathing.
"Alex! Alex! Alex!" I yelled while trying to shake her awake. "Alex! Please!" I continued.
"Mmmmm....mmmmaaaaxxxxx." She shook.
"I'm here." I said grabbing her hand.
"We need to get her to a doctor or something." Raven suggested but Alex shook her head violently.
"Calm down Alex." I said and picked her up to the bathtub.
"Get me some sheets or cloths." I ordered.
As I took off her shirt I seen the card I gave her tucked in her jeans. It was bloody. Her rib cage was crawling out of her stomach. She had more bruises than I could count. I've never seen her anywhere close to this. I noticed a bullet hole right threw her shoulder. I took off her shoes and pants and seen another bullet wound in her leg.
"Where are those fucking towels!" I yelled. The bathtub didnt need any water, it was filled with blood. Finally Raven came with towels and I yanked them from her hands.
"I need something to take out the bullets." I yelled at them while putting pressure on Alex's wounds.
"Here." Luke said giving me a miniature thing of pliers. I opened the bullet wound and carefully placed the twisty thing next to the bullet. Alex was knocked out. I had to go deeper to get a grip of the bullet.
Within minutes, it was out.
One down, one more to go.
I scooted over next to her leg in the bathtub and did the same thing. Once that was out, I cleaned the wounds with alcohol and peroxide, Alex still didn't wake up throughout this process. The holes in her shoulder and leg were just bubbling and it seemed like days until they stopped. Finally I cleaned up what ever blood she had left from her knee, shoulder and face. While cleaning her face I went down to her neck and seen a fresh bite on her neck. That asshole Sam marked her. My wolf growled and I did too. Knowing Alex she probably took it out. Hopefully.
"Do you think we should leave her like that or give her a bath and change her clothes?" I asked Raven.
"I'll give her a bath. It won't take long. Just find me a comfortable underwear, sport's bra, and some sweats and a t shirt." Raven ordered.
"Alright." I said and placed a kiss on Alex's forehead before leaving.

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