Actually living like 'humans' pt.1

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Alex's POV

"Are y'all hungry or is it just me?" Luke whined.
"Yeah I could go for some food." Max agreed.
"Should we fly or what, just walk there?" Luke asked.
"Are you kidding me! I'm not walking!" Raven argued.
"Guys there's a car right there...." Max said.
"And you know how to drive a car?" Raven questioned.
"Well no but miss technology over here could." He said looking at me.
"Ugh. Y'all act like such babies." This time me whining.
"No we don't! We're just to lazy to do anything. And Max is all about 'being the boss'" Luke said puffing up his chest. As we entered the car I seen my reflection in the driver's window.
"We're gonna go to the restaurant looking like homeless people?"
"Maybe they'll give us free food." Max laughed. I glared at him.
"Come on. Maybe there's some clothes we can get from inside." I said.
"And maybe you could use a shower too, cause phew, all that heat, aren't you hot!" Max interrupted.
"I'll take one but y'all better not be bothering me when I figure it out and y'all are there freezing y'all's asses off."
"Awww, was that a threat," Max said using his baby voice.
"It CAN be," I said giving him my fist.
"Whatever" I walked in the room and went to the closet. As I picked out a pair of pants and a thin long sleeve top, then found an actual underwear rather than just a piece of string, with a up lift bra, I was on my way. I turned the knob to the hot and cold water and made it just right. I closed the curtain and felt cleaner than every. And washed my hair gently rather than having one of the scientist pull and yank my hair into the bucket of water they used. After showering for 20mins, I started to dress. Then shoved the entire wad of cash into my pocket and I went to Raven's room.
Ready?" I asked.
"Yeah," she responded. We met up with the guys downstairs. Who were already done and waiting.
"Lets go!" Luke shouted.
"Chill!" Raven yelled back.
"Um no offense Sherlock but are you planning on showing off your wings or are you gonna put on a jacket to save our asses and not give us away." i said looking at Luke.
"oh yeah right," he ran to get a jacket and met us back downstairs. We piled in the car and I looked at the wheel and felt a lot of energy. I put both hands on the wheel and breathed. Within a matter of seconds we were driving out of the property and to what I think was a town.
"Have I ever mention how nice it is to control everything?" Luke commented.
"You can manage to bring it up more often." I teased. We drove down the road looking at all the food places their were.
"That one!" It has burgers and fries and shakes!" Raven and Luke yelled. I pulled up to a Griff's that I had no idea of.
"Hey I'm sorry to bring this up so late but how are we gonna pay for the food?" Raven asked. Max cleared his throat and looked at me, I pulled out the cash and Luke's and Raven's eyes doubled.
"You didn't tell me we had all that cash. I want to go to the mall!" Raven yelled. She can be gloomy and scary but deep down she's girly.
"Sure, AFTERwards. I'm starving for some real food." We walked in the building and I thought to myself, 'maybe I should have watched a movie on how to order food?'
'That probably would have been a good idea, rather than drooling over the werewolf! Pssssfff always thinking of me' max chimed in. I cut him off and ordered the food. We all yelled orders at the cashier and he looked at us rude. But when he seen me pull out the cash He turned civil. Eventually we got our order and sat by a window. After we munched and chomped on our food, Raven brought up the mall.
"I don't know where the mall is." I whined.
"I'll find it then. I'll tell you the directions and stuff." Raven begged. Finally after a hundredth time asking, I gave in. After our meal we jumped back in the car and listened to Raven against our will talking about what she heard about the mall and what turn to make, blah blah blah blah blah.
We found a decent place to park, which was way far from the building that we couldn't even see the building. Raven charged inside and immediately we seen tons of people. I wasn't only getting nervous that I didn't know what this place was but also that what if these people were undercover and really worked for Frankenstein. Raven was about to take off when she stopped and realized she didn't have any money to buy things. I divided the money and each of us got $1,000 and the rest for important things. Besides I can always get us more money one way or another. We all separated why when we just got threw escaping? i have no idea. I walked down the crowded lane until I came to this store called Nike. It was a shoe store. I went inside and looked at all the nice shoes. I skipped all the girly isles cause personally I'm not girly. I found these nice pair of blue shoes that were $70. Then I found another pair of black shoes for $40. And another pair of all white shoes for $50. As I was looking for my size for the white shoes, more than annoyed as usual, a young man came up to me and asked if I needed help.
"No thank you," I said trying not to look at him.
"Okay. My name's Ethan. And your's is?" He said grabbing my hand and got my attention. He was tall, maybe ever taller than me. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Slight built.
" name is....Alex." Dammit why did I give him my real name.
"Alex? Well Alex do you want to walk around the mall together?" He asked.
"Yeah sure.....I just.....have to pay..."
"Oh yeah sure, take your time." He said. I paid then we went to another store called Dillard's. it had some pretty good clothes there. I got 4 pairs of black jeans that I liked and about 8 different shirts. We had small conversation. He was mainly talking about Dillard's being the best store there is. That he likes Nike's too. Then he shocked me with a question that made me suspicious.
"You're not from here are you?"
"Why?" I asked giving him a look.
"Well cause you look like you're new to this. Have you been to the mall before?"
"Not to the mall exactly," I said thinking of stealing those people's money was probably right behind this mall.
"So where you've been to like Walmart or something?"
"Heh yeah....." I said dropping it.
"Well if you want maybe we can get together again and I'll show you around."
"Ummm.... I'll have to think about it. Give me some time."
"Yeah, sure, I don't want to rush you or force you or anything," he stuttered. I smiled that he was letting me take my time and he returned the smile. After paying for our things and exiting out of the store he grabbed my hand and asked me,
"Hey, you wanna get something to eat?"
"Sure." I said shocked that I accepted to his invitation. He lead me to a place called Sonic.
"Get anything you want, my treat." He smiled.
"Oh no, it's okay. You don't have too." I said not really know what he meant.
"No I insist." I gave him a confused look. He caught on and said.
"Insist means I want to. And my treat means I'm paying for you."
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't understand."
"It's okay," he smiled and we walked to the line. Once we got our food we sat at a table near this spinning thing that had horses. And I kept eyeing it because I thought it was gonna explode. The loud noise was insane. But I did my best to ignore it.
"Have you had sonic before?" He asked. I laughed and answered no.
"What restaurants have you ate at?" He asked while laughing.
"Um, only at this place called Griffs, actually I just ate there today, about a couple of hours ago."
"Oh I love Griffs!" He shouted excitedly. "Oh I'm so glad you went there, cause that's the absolute place you have to go, 100% no doubt," I laughed at him and he did too.
"Your favorite color?" He asked once the laughing died down.
"Um, I'm not sure. All of them I guess, I can't pick favorites it's too hard." I lied.
"Yeah, I don't blame you. I can't decide either. Do you have any plans today?" He asked.
"Um no, not that I can think of? Why?"
"Well I was wondering if you have decided on if you want to go out with me some time tonight?"
"You're asking me out?"
"Yeah, I'm trying to." He laughed.
"Um, just a question but why? You barely met me?"
"Well yeah but you're pretty. Something about you interests me. I can't describe it but you make me feel good." He smiled. I was lost in his brown eyes. Then what could have been a huge storm was Max.
"Where the hell have you been! I've been calling you all day! And who the fuck is this jackass! What are you doing with him!" Max yelled.
"Calm down!" I said getting just as mad.
"Um bro if you got something to say you say it to me."
Max tightened his jaw and was giving Ethan the death look.
"Leave Max." I said stern. He was still looking at Ethan when I crawled into his head and yelled at him.
"Fine." He said stern and walked away.
"Who was that?"
"Oh no one. My friends boyfriend." I lied."that guy is harmless. He couldn't hurt the littlest bug." He laughed.
"So about that going out thing," Ethan started.
"Oh yeah. My answer is yes." I said, completely ignoring what had just happened.
"Cool so I'll pick you up where?"
"Um let's meet at the Nike shoe store than we can go whereever."
"Okay, is 8 okay with you. It's 3 right now, is that enough time for you?"
"Oh yeah. That's good." I answered.
"Alright, well I guess I better get home. I'll see you at 8 then. Oh and hey if that jerk is bothering you, just tell me and I'll solve it." He said making a fist and hitting his other hand with it. I laughed and said" oh no it's cool. He won't bother me." We said goodbye and I went to look for Raven, Luke and Max.
"Hey! Where were you?" Luke asked.
"Nothing just got me some shoes and clothes." I said hoping max didnt tell them.
"And also a boyfriend..." Max mumbled.
"What! How!" Raven and Luke both said.
"It's nothing I just met some guy at the Nike store."
"Then explain why your going to see him again tonight. What was it y'all decided 8 right?" Max said getting mad.
"I don't have to explain nothing. You need to explain why you were stalking me. I'm not a kid."
"That boy is nothing but trouble." He said with concerned eyes.
"You don't know him."
"You don't know him either for you to be following him around like some puppy."
"I am no ones puppy. I can take care of myself. I don't need your permission for anything." I said looking at him with a glare.
"That guy only wants you to get into your pants. He doesn't like you or care about you at all." Raven and Luke were looking at us with a look as if they knew something.
"How do you know?" I whimpered that he would even think of that.
"I'm a guy. I know. Why on earth would anyone want to go out with You,"
"Max that's enough." Luke said trying to calm max down and my eyes were shaking at what Max was going to say afterwards.
"What! She should know. She's not that pretty. She's no where close to pretty. She's so far from decent that there's no word for her." My eyes were now flooding with tears.
"Don't cry. You know it's the true. Did you really think that you were gonna be normal? Being normal is just a dream." Raven was trying to comfort me but I pushed her away.
"I' the car...." I said walking out and looking for the entrance we had come from. I threw my stuff in the back and sat in the drivers seat. What did Max have against me that he would put me through so much pain? Maybe I'm not wanted here. Maybe I should leave? But what if Frankenstein hurts them? Well they have each other right? I made up my

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