New Skill

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Alex's POV
I found out we were in Denver which sucked because that was only a couple of states from California. And I don't even know where the lab was at. We got another apartment and this one was much bigger and prettier. As soon as i slammed down the doors i put the owners brains into a deep sleep. The gang was a little frightened at first but they didnt question. We unpacked and had the same rooms as we did at the old one: Raven and Luke sharing one, Max took the other and I on the couch. I stayed awake more often, and kept feeling stupid for letting that girl get to me. I walked up to the top of the building where the roof was at. About 15 minutes later Max joined me.
"Couldn't sleep?" I asked.
"Nope. Raven and Luke are, well lets just say rolling around on a bed and it consists of scream...." He started.
"Don't need to go into detail." I said ending it. "I can't believe they went that far." I added.
"Yeah. I guess they've always liked each other and had some what of a connection."
"And how could they be doing it on a day like this?"
"I don't know. Guess they were in the mood or I don't know." He responded.
"Hey do you think I'm a good fighter?" I asked out of no where.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't you be?"
"Well I don't know maybe because I got stabbed by another girl who has less powers than me. That dust girl said 'so your the special one' if I was the special don't you think I would be able to handle anything."
"Well maybe your the special one because your not original. I mean werewolf, every one thinks of them. Demons, duh. But controlling the elements, mind blower."
"Heh, thanks" I said laughing."Alright, well I guess we should go back inside." He started laughing loudly.
"What's so funny."
"Did you hear me? I told you what they were doing."
"They still have a couple more rounds to go." He said raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, maybe I should wait." I said sitting back down and looking at the cars below.
"So by reading people's mind did you learn everything you know now?" He asked.
"Yeah pretty much. I learned how to drive and cook and go to the store. I also can see what they did and planned on doing in the future. Like for example, the girl who owned the last apartment, she was an only child for 10 years. Then her first sibling was a boy. Then 2 years after that her mom was pregnant with a girl but her mom died as well as the baby girl." I said softly.
"Oh, that's sad. We're there any happy moments?"
"Yeah. She was excited when she graduated and was the first one in her family to go to college, she was a physiatrist."
"Oh. Did you read the boys mind?"
"Yeah, he was a dog as all boys are. He cheated on many girls in high school. Did drugs and was in a gang. He was her brother that she offered to take care of."
"What's a gang?" He asked curiously.
"A gang is a group of thugs, which are a bunch of spoiled brats who think they are the shit, and kill and steal anyone to 'proof' to their gang that they are worthy and trustful. Which is pathetic if you ask me and honestly a waste of time." I explained.
"And drugs? Was that what Frankenstein gave to us to make us like this?"
"Sort of, except his drugs weren't harmful, these drugs will make your eyes pop out from your head and even your brain."
"Sounds more painful than morphing into a werewolf."
"I wouldn't know. I haven't done them. I just seen what it does to you. And as far as werewolf I've never actually seen your morph."
"For real! As much time as we've spent together?" He asked shocked.
"Well remember Frankenstein would always take you to another room. He kept everyone together in the same room to sleep or eat but never to actually interact. But he was stupid enough to let us be able to talk to each other through our minds and not think we were gonna use it against him to escape."
"Do you think you could teach me to know and do the things you know?" He asked. I was a little shock he was asking me for help.
"Well yeah if you want. I guess I can."
"Well gosh I didn't know it was gonna be so much trouble." He said sarcastically.
"No it's not that. It's just all of a sudden."
"How would it be all of a sudden? Did you think we were all gonna live on without knowing things?" He said.
"Well no it's not that..."
"Then what is it?"
"Well you asking for help. Especially from me. Just, you know, not usual."
"Well, I'm sorry if I'm not the most open and emotional person." He complained.
"Nevermind. But I'll tell you if you want." He nodded in response. "Okay, would you like for me to just tell you all of what I know?" I asked.
"Well can't you just send all your thoughts to me. Like if you can take it I'm sure you can give it too."
"Well I'm sure I could try." His mood completely changed.
"Will you go into my mind and read everything?"
"No....why would I?" I asked.
"Well nothing there's just something that only I need to know and you not to, at all. What so ever" he shook.
"Will it be used against me?" I asked nervous.
"No, not at all. Just weird and uncomfortable."
"Ewww. Please don't tell me you have thoughts about me, like bed wise." I said disgusted.
"Oh no! Come on now! I'm not an old man who goes after young girls." He defended.
"Could have fooled me." I muttered.
"Okay let's just forget the whole thing then." He said a little mad.
"No no. It's okay. I'm sorry."
"Okay. Fine. So how does this work?" He said pouting.
"Well I guess just sit down and relax, as if you were meditating." I ordered.
"I've never meditated."
"Well nows a good time to start." I snapped. We sat on the ground criss cross. I reached for my brain and felt all the memories and knowledge I've gotten. Then I grabbed all those ideas and went into Max's brain, then let it expand. I felt every little piece of information stick to his mind and made sure it was permanent. I let go and seen if it worked.
"Do you feel different?" I asked.
"Well my brain feels a little ticklish."
"How do we know if this works?" I wondered.
"Oh, I know, ask me something that I would have never known before."
"Um okay. How do you make broccoli casserole?"
"You cook the rice first, by boiling the rice with water until thicken, then add the spice to it, let it dry off by pouring the water out. Get a reasonably pan size and throw the raw broccoli and chicken into small chopped pieces and then cook it into the oven at 375 degrees for roughly 2 hours." He explained.
"Mind blower." I chuckled.
"That means it worked!" He said excited.
"Yeah it did." I said with less expression.
"That have a new skill!"
"Oh yeah!" I said realizing. "I should also give what ever information I gave to you I should give to Raven and Luke."
"Yeah, that way we won't all be depending on you. Lets go." We walked downstairs to our apartment and entered very quietly.
"What are you doing? Hurry up." Max said irritably.
"Shhh! They might be asleep."
"Why would they be....ohhhh. Nevermind."
"Yeah." I rolled my eyes.
"Well maybe tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Alright then. Goodnight." I tossed myself into the couch and looked dumbfound at the ceiling. I was hoping that those dumbasses wouldn't find us again. And if they did, I hoped I would be able to have my revenge on this dumb sparkle face twig. Suddenly sleep took over.

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