The battle

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Thank you guys so much for the 65 reads. You guys are awesome and I'm not just saying that because you are reading my book. I mean it. Without you guys this book wouldn't be anything. I feel very thankful that y'all are taking the time to read my book. Thank you so much!
Now to the story.

Alex's POV

The next morning was frightening. We had a quick breakfast. Just leftover pancakes and sat quietly in the living room. I gave everyone of them a nod and we headed outside. I was ready for our plan, it seemed brilliant but all our plans so far haven't. We went farther than our training area was at and stopped there. We gave each other hugs and said goodbyes even though we were just determined to fight these guys. A decade later I feel rumbling at my feet. I could tell it was a big army. As the army marched in an orderly manner towards us my stomach was tightening more then ever, it was so tight that it felt like I didn't have a stomach anymore.
"You know this doesn't have to end this way." Frankenstein said.
"It doesn't look like we have a choice does it?" I snapped.
"Stubbornness. That wasn't part of the package." He chuckled.
"I have a whole new package for you." I said with clenched teeth.
"I see your boyfriend made it after all." Sparkle face said blowing an air kiss to Max.
"You can have him." I automatically said. Max managed to keep a straight face but I knew it got to him.
"May the best mutant win." Frankenstein said snapping his fingers and walking away.
"Hey don't you dare walk away from this you coward!" I said throwing fire from my hands towards him, but of course there were those idiotic guards who would do anything to protect Frankenstein. Who by the way was now on a helicopter and took off with that mentally evil face showing through the window. And for some reason, a head full of blonde hair caught my attention. Immediately I was shocked with electricity, taking me away from my thought, but honesty like that was really going to bring me down. My instinct automatically redirected it and about 35 men were down. 35 down only a couple hundred to go. What a good start? I seen the fierce some foursome standing next to each other watching the show. As I kept trying to get to sparkle face for my revenge I got attacked by guards. One got me off guard by jamming my cheek, I got up as the throbbing in my cheek numbed. I seen Max tearing whatever or should I say whoever was in his way to shreds. Raven was sending guards to another dimension, easy for her. Luke started getting into his scary unrated phase and just went evil on them. I smashed guards with rocks, and toasted them when they were close by. A guard caught me from behind kicking the center of my spine making me fling to the ground as if a robot just lost control. I quickly turned over and did one of those disco moves where your lower bone is spinning on the floor as your feet twirl around, yeah well imagine that but with fire. I grabbed a guard with a choke hold and flipped him over me breaking his neck. Then started air bending guards into the air like nothing. Finally when the battle between us and guards was almost over sparkle face gained control of me and was blood bending me. As she pulled me up in the air and killed the guards her own self.
"Lets just get this over with" she said. Of course she wasn't going to switch sides. Things were NOT going to be that easy, for us anyway. As she placed me down and I caught my breath her and her team were heading for us. As we discussed we each went with an enemy. I looked Sparkle face deadly into her eyes waiting for the first move.
"I want this to be a painful death for you." She said popping her knuckles and neck.
"You mean for you." I said with whatever anger I had left in me. She aimed for a punch to my face, I blocked it with my elbow and got a quick hit to her core. She backed up but didnt show any emotion. I started punching and kicking her with all my might, even though she blocked most of them, key word most. By the time I had given up she only had a bloody nose and a few bruises, where as to I had more bruises than I could count. Next thing I knew she had water bended icicles in the air. One of them shot me right through my right shoulder. I gritted my teeth but managed to get a rock in the air and throw it at her. She water bended it making it turn to mud and got me stuck from my feet. I drowned myself in the mud and came out from behind her getting a good kick right at her spine that she fell face forward. I jumped on her back putting her in a choke hold. She flipped over me from the ground and kicked my tailbone, I got up to my feet with the impact still running through my bones. I started hitting her and made one eye a black eye, now she could only see with one. She wasn't enjoying the losing, she finally had enough and blood bended me right when I was going to punch her one last time and knock her out for good. She squeezed my insides with everything she had. Taking her hatred on me serious. She hated me with a passion and was sure showing it now. I was on the ground seeing everything blurry. I noticed Raven and Luke together, back to back, I realized they had been hand cuffed and where trying to get out. Max was stomping and biting any one he could, until sparkle face blood bended him too, I heard his bones crack as he whined.
"Nnnn....nnnnooo..."I groaned. She formed a sharp icicle from water and stabbed Max in his side viciously back to back. "Ssst...stop." Right when she was crumbling his heart, I lost it. All of a sudden I had a lot of energy. I felt my eyes glow and started racing towards her. She stopped me by blood bending me but that only held me up a couple of seconds. I pulled her hands down with earth bending and carried water and fire at the same time. I could control all of them at the same time! I threw lighted up rocks at her face and legs, making her scream in pain that I never heard of before. Finally I got a huge tornado of all the elements and smashed it against her body, making her squash like nothing. She was dead, I turned around and noticed the other three were still alive, shocked and motionless but still alive. I burned stone guy with everything I had. Making him melt faster than I ever melted somebody before. Goblin was racing towards me in the shape of a T-Rex. I tripped his feet with earth bending and took the air out of his breath. Dust fairy blew me a deadly kiss, making the veins in my cheeks bleed through. I smashed her heart, just like sparkle face was about to do to me and Max. She fell to the ground instantly. I got Raven and Luke and loosened then automatically ran for Max. He was now morphed into a human. He had a deep stab wound between his ribs. I pulled water out of the air and soothed my hands over the wound. Moments later he coughed, coming back to life. I held his head up for air to get to his lungs properly. Tears were slicing down my cheeks. I was so relieved he was alive. Without thinking I smashed my lips against his. So thankful he was alive.

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