Training and other 'important' procedures

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Alex's POV

The next morning I went out early for breakfast, I got them donuts and some sausage rolls and other types of sweet breakfast. I'm starting to feel like the mother of the house, that's sad, I'm not that old, yet. The crew woke up and devoured the sweets in little time. Luke and Raven went to the living room and started talking about random things. I don't see how they still had things to talk about. While I cleared up the table and washed the cups. As I was washing the cups Max comes up to me and says "thank you for the donuts,"
"Your welcome," I say with no emotion, I learned from the best, you got it, Max. We chilled for about 30 minutes before training.
"This time I want to work against someone, like I would in a real fight. And if one of us gets hurt I'm sure you can do a little healing magic right?" Luke said. I nodded. Luke and Raven were fighting, well more like flirting, when I interrupted them by jumping in too.
"Hey what was that for?" Raven said when I hit her with a rock.
"What if sparkle face controls my mind to go against y'all? Would y'all be prepared for it?" I said, not to toot my own horn though.
"Please! I'm pretty sure I can handle you." Luke said waving his hand in the air.
"Are you sure?" I said challenging.
"Bring it on." Luke said popping his knuckles. He started off by charging at me and aimed for a punch to my face, I dodged him and kicked him right in the side. He fell to the ground but lifted himself up by flying and getting slaps on my head. I fire bended at him but he pushed it back with the wind of his wings. Then I brought him down with a rock chain grabbing his ankle. Without any warning, he kicked me in the chest when at the right angle. I was shocked and almost choked and fell. I caught my breath and lunged at him. He got a good punch at me in the stomach. Finally I had enough of this humiliation and tied him down with rocks. Right when I was about to give him a beating of his life Raven yelled.
"Don't you dare lay a hand on my boyfriend!" I turned around shocked.
"We were just playing." I said confused.
"I don't care. Luke doesn't have to beat you up to prove to me he is strong. I know he is strong. Now heal him back up." She ordered. I did as she wished and wasted 2 minutes of my life that I regret. Because as soon as I was done healing him and turned around, he literally gave me a foot kicking. It knocked me off my feet and made me jump and fall face first.
"I surrender." I said waving an imaginary flag. We kept fighting for a couple more hours, till it was me against max, which sucked! He was already a werewolf and didn't want to change into a human because he only brought one pair of basketball short. Great thinking huh? He started at one end while I was at the other. I wanted to personally hurt him. He was looking all innocent and I made an eye roll.
"Lets just get this over with." I said annoyed. He started circling me and finally after being circled for the 50th time I airbended him into a tree, he jumped to his feet and started jogging towards me. I lit fire between us and he jumped over it. He pounded on me with his big paws holding down my arms. While I was yelling through clenched teeth he was debating whether he should get off and stop or just keep going. I kneed him right in his core. He snarled back and whined. I stayed back and waited for him to get to his feet. For my finally finish I airbended him really bad and hard into a tree making him actually go through 3 trees.
"Talk about tough love." Raven said. I gave her a glare.
"Oh will you look at the time. Me and Luke need to shower." She and Luke started running off.
"Together?" Max came back as human form and had his shorts on.
"Oh and don't forget to heal Max too! He could really use it!" Luke said yelling as he was running.
"Don't leave me alone with him!" I yelled grumpy. I turned around and gave Max a glare, but he stayed looking down.
"Do you want to be healed here or inside?" I asked.
"Wherever is easier for you." I started jogging to the cabin and Max followed. He sat on the couch and waited. I got the biggest bucket I could find and filled it up with water. I covered my hands with water and laid them on Max's abs. Why he has to have them. Just to get at me, that's exactly why. I could tell he wanted to talk to me but I didn't give him any chance to by not looking at him at all or making noises with the water. After I was done he thanked me and went to go take a shower. When Raven and Luke were down I went to that bathroom and took my shower. I walked out the room smelling delicious meat.
"What's that cooking?" I asked.
"Luke made a brisket." Raven answered. "Now that he knows how."
"Do you need any help?" I offered.
"No thank you. I have it under control." I grabbed a spot on the couch there was. The cabin didnt have a tv so it was pretty silent, well not really. Me, Raven and Luke were talking. Max was being a little baby about everything. Well then again I did tell him not to talk to me, but he was making a awkward deal about it. Once dinner was made we gathered around and ate. During the middle of our dinner Luke stopped and shot his head up.
"What is it?" Raven asked. After a few moments Luke came back to reality.
"I just had a vision." He said shaking.
"What was it about?" Raven asked.
"Frankenstein's army is going to be here the day after tomorrow. Frankenstein, the four freaks and the rest of his staff." Luke said.
"Well gee now you tell us. To bad your visions couldn't have came earlier that way we would know when they were going to attack us the last 2 times."
"Well I'm sorry. I guess they just kicked in maybe because of the training" I shook my head and was furious with how little time we had left. The guards were going to be a distraction. Sparkle face might use them against me. We went to sleep sore as can be. I was enjoying laying down, even though I couldn't sleep because of Frankenstein but it was still relaxing. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me. I pretended to be asleep. Then the person there got on his knees and looked at me 'sleeping' then he whispered "I messed up bad. Really bad." I recognized the voice as Max. "I'm so sorry Alex. I really am. I don't know how I can get your forgiveness again. You've given me so many chances and I just used them like nothing. I'm so stupid. What was I expecting, for you to just forgive me. I guess I got used to it, kinda like you did with me." He continued. "I wish you could give me another chance. I promise you, I won't screw up this time. I won't. I'll make sure of it. Please Alex. And now I can't stop thinking of that kiss. That absolutely amazing kiss. I wish I could get more of them. But I guess you decided on that. Which of course you have all rights to. I didn't meant for this to happen, I just, I just don't know what's wrong with me. Even my inner wolf agrees with you. And he warned me about crossing the line, I just didnt want to admit that you were my mate. I thought I was some hotshot that could just play and do whatever he wanted but I was completely wrong. I need to be concerned of you and your feelings. I don't want anything to happen to you. I can still feel your lips on mine. Of course you might hate that part of yours but....I'm sorry. " He said putting his head on my stomach. I stayed quiet and didnt move a muscle as his words were being rewind in my mind. I didn't know what to do. I hated that he wasn't taking me serious. But in the end I stayed asleep and he left back to his room.

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