One last argument

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This Raven when she is mad, I didn't think of it till now.

I woke up having Max's arm tighten around my waist.
"Max." I whispered, I did want to get out but didn't want to wake him up either. I tried shimming out of his grip but it only tighten more.
"Max, if you don't let me go I will....."
"You'll what?" He said against my ear, making me get goosebumps.
"Um....." I started. "You see! You made me lose my train of thought. Can I go to the bathroom please?" I said feeling like a baby having to ask.
"Alright." He said tossing the covers and walking towards the bathroom.
"Why are you going?" I asked.
"You think I'm gonna let you go alone?" He said crossing his arms.
"Oh my goodness with you." I said and walking passed.
"I need to pee." I said shutting the door before he walked in.
"Hurry it up." He ordered.
"Alright already." I whined. I used the restroom then washed my hands. Max came in as soon as he heard the toilet flush.
"What is I didn't put my pants on yet?" I asked.
"So what. I need to protect you." He said strict.
"I think I can handle myself."
"Says the girl who had two bullet holes in her body." He responded then grabbed his toothbrush. Mine was full of toothpaste that I couldn't say anything, as if I had anything to say.
"Alright, now I need to take a shower." I said after throwing out the water from my mouth.
"Go ahead."
"Are you serious?"
"100%" he grinned.
"Fine." I pouted, then went to get some clothes.
"Can you get out till I jump in the shower, I don't mind if your here just don't look."
"Deal." He said. He left then, like before, as soon as I pulled the curtain he came in.
""he started, clearing his throat. "What happened at Frankenstien's?" He asked.
"I thought I already told you, well Zuri actually."
"Yeah, but I want to here it from you too."
"Okay." I said then explained everything till when Sam marked me. "I was so angry I pulled out his DNA, but sadly had to take yours out too, which is complete bullshit. Killed Sam, fought a whole group of guards and then came here through a time machine, and left the building with grenades, hopefully they all died but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if he came back as a water animal or something cause they have such high technology that its scary."
"And...." He said wanting me to finish the sentence.
"And...what do you mean?" I asked confused.
"What did you do before you left?" He asked.
"I don't know. My memory is a bit foggy you know."
"You don't remember printing out papers about us?"
Then it dawned on me. A flashback of me printing out the papers then running into some guards.
"Oh now I remember!" I yelled, figuring it out.
"Well I'm glad. And I'm sorry you had to go through that. Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned.
"Well how could I, you didn't give me a chance to tell you. You didn't even look me in the eye to say good bye or anything." I said not wanting to get mad like we usually do.
"I know. I'm sorry. I panicked. It's just I felt betrayed, I marked you then you go off with some guy the very next day. I didn't know what to do. I didn't mean it at all." He responded.
"It's okay. I know you didn't." I said turning off the shower. He tossed a towel over the curtain and I thanked him for it. He left the restroom as I got dressed. He came back within minuets.
"Everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just need to bandage your wounds." I can't believe I missed that. I grabbed a bucket and filled it with water.
"Are you going to be able to heal yourself?"
"I'm sure I can."
"I don't want you to outdo your self. You don't need to be wiped out and tired." He said concerned.
"I got it." I said and covered my hands with water. It felt so good to bend again. I put some water over my calve, it glowed and took awhile to heal, but it did eventually. Same with the gunshot in my shoulder. After that, I healed all the minor cuts I had like on my arms and face.
"I feel so much better. Like me again." I cheered.
"You okay? Don't feel dizzy? Or nauseous?"
"I'm good. Can we go see Raven and Luke?" I asked.
"Okay. But they can't come near you."
"I'm perfectly healed." I complained.
"Still." He ended the conversation. We went to the living room ad Raven said I looked so much better. She had dinner ready which was some hotdogs. I ate 7 of those!
"Thank you so much for the food Raven. It was delicious!"
"Glad you liked it." She laughed.
"Are you ready to find out our birthdays?" Luke asked.
"Sure." I responded.
"Alright." He said and pulled out sheets of paper. "Let's see." He continued. "Well me and Raven already know all of our birthdays. Max wanted to wait for you." I gave Max a thank you face.
"Okay, so Raven was born on May 15. I was born on June 6th. Max was born on August 27 and you were born on November 5th."
"Which is this Saturday!" Raven yelled.
"What's today?" I asked.
"How long was I out?"
"About a week and a half." Max answered.
"A week in a half!" I yelled. They stayed quiet. Their faces showed happiness that I was alive but also worry. Max's was u describable. I could only imagine how he felt.
"Guys. Don't plan anything big. For real. I'm okay with just you guys." I said after taking in all that I've missed.
"Are you kidding! Why!" Raven yelled.
"I don't know. I just don't want anything big." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Okay. If you say so." Luke complained.
"Do you wanna go some where then?" Raven asked.
"Mmm, not really, I just wanna chill."
"Yeah guys. She just took down Frankenstein and his army. You expect her to be ready to leave." Max argued.
"It's okay max. I'm fine. Really." I said rubbing his shoulder. He grunted.
"Hey! We recorded this movie. It is really good. It's scary good. It's called Jeepers Creepers. Parts 1&2!" Raven screamed.
"No! No scary movies tonight. Not now." Max said with his eyes already getting fogged up. Raven and Luke were a little shaky.
"Excuse him and his wolf. I apologize for his childish behavior." I laughed.
"Childish!" He yelled. I nodded my head and laughed.
"That's enough." He yelled and picked me up and took me to our bed. I couldn't stop laughing.
"Stop laughing!" He yelled in a very deep voice that sent the life out of me.
"How could you call me childish? Is protecting and caring about your mate called childish these days?" He yelled. I didn't have an answer.
"Answer me!" He ordered.
"We were just playing." I whined.
"You should be glad that I am thinking of you. It's you who is gonna get a heart attack if you see something your not prepared for. Not me. The only thing I will be feeling is pain. But that's nothing right." He said getting under the covers and pulling me towards him. I kept my body solid. I hadn't seen or heard this side of Max, which was horrifying.
"Phoenix?" I asked remembering that it was Max's wolf.
"Yeah." He grunted looking at me.
"Can I have Max back please?" I asked softly, Phoenix's eyes softened a bit.
"Fine." He said and took a long, deep breath.
"I am so sorry that happened." Max said with his regular eyes and his regular voice.
"Was that Phoenix?" I asked.
"Yeah. I didn't want you to meet him that way."
"It's okay. Why did he get mad over something like that?"
"He's mad because your making fun of him for protecting you, and in his eyes, he thinks you don't appreciate him. I tried controlling him but he shut me out completely as soon as went to the living room."
"That's a good while."
"Yeah. I wasn't expecting it to happen."
"Will Phoenix feel better if he marked me?" I asked. I desperately wanted to be marked by Max. It didn't seem like a big deal but I wanted it.
"Yes." He said in a deep voice which meant Phoenix was here.
"I didn't think you would show up so soon." I said nervously.
"Well when a wolf's mate asks them to mark them, every wolf jumps at the shot." I couldn't help but give a little smirk.
"Now. Shall we begin." He said rather than ask. I nodded my head. He moved the hair off my neck and started giving wet kisses over my neck. He reached the previous spot and growled. Probably because Sam marked there too.
"Let's start fresh." He said and went to the other side of my neck. He did the same process until he found my tickle spot. He started making shapes with his sharp teeth. I was tired of him teasing me and he knew it. Finally, he bit into my neck and I felt it. I closed my lips as I felt the intense feeling consume me.
"All done." He said after, slowly removing his teeth.
I cuddled next to his side and we fell asleep

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