What the hell?

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This is 'sparkle face' the enemy that can only control water.
All rights and thanks to those involved in the series and making of Avatar:the last airbender.

Alex's POV

I woke up to a burning smell. I immediately jumped up, gathering all the water I could from the air around me and splashed whatever was near the stove.
"Hmm mmm!" Raven said clearing her throat.
"Oh sorry. I thought you were...um nevermind. Let me dry you." I airbended her making her cheeks fly back and hair tangled.
"Sorry. Why were you making breakfast anyway? You don't know how to cook, normally I mean."
"Well I wanted to be nice to Luke for last night..." She said blushing.
"Because he bought you dinner."
"Sure." She said not so sure. I caught on and she nodded her head.
"Let me take over." I said. She agreed then went back to her room. I was happily cooking when it was interrupted.
"Why are you cooking? I thought you were gonna do what we said we were gonna do last night. That way you don't always have to do everything." Max said annoyingly.
"Well Raven was going to make breakfast but she messed up so I just went ahead and took over because she burnt it and by the time she got the information and by the time she made breakfast it would just take too long."
"Gosh, I just asked why you were cooking. I didn't need your whole morning experience." He huffed.
"Dumb! Then why ask." I argued.
"Nevermind. Let me go get them." He ran off to their room. An 'ewww' came from the hall, I was curious but could only imagine what it was. Max came running into the kitchen pretending to barf.
"What happened?" I managed to say between laughing.
"Let's just say, Raven and Luke, um, eww, are officially connecting..... AGAIN!" He finished continuing to fake barf. I made a sour face but continued fixing up breakfast. After the table was made I yelled 'breakfast!' Luke and Raven walked in embarrassed and Max was still shaking his head.
"Good grief Raven. Y'all are going way to far. Get a room. Literally."
"Oh hush. It's natures course." She defended her self.
"Your so far off natures course there is no more course for you to take." Max laughed making me laugh.
"Oh your just saying that because you and Max haven't done anything YET!" She yelled.
"Ewww! What are you talking about! Why would me and Max even do anything! We don't like each other! He doesn't even like me! Besides after what he did do you honestly think I would make up with him! He broke our friendship and there's nothing in the world that is gonna fix that!" I yelled completely loosing it. Max's eyes softened but he still had an anger look in him. I couldn't make it out.
"I already told you I'm sorry!" He yelled back.
"Well I don't accept your sorry. You hurt me more than I can count and a simple 'I'm sorry' isn't gonna fix that." I yelled. They stayed quiet and stared at me. I threw my plate away, grabbed the keys and left the place. I just wanted to leave, I didn't care where it was.
"Way to keep it low key guys." I said after Alex stormed out the door. "I thought we were cool again but y'all have to bring up the whole werewolf thing. I'll tell her when I want to tell her."
"You mean you STILL haven't told her." Luke said angry and shocked.
"No why would I? HOW would I? 'Oh hey, listen I found this book that says werewolves have a mate and your it.' What type of retarded thing is that?"
"Well I know if I spent over 20 years with someone and I feel attached to her I would tell her. Look at me and Raven. I'm attached to her for many reasons and I told her how I felt and she felt the same way too."
"It's not that easy with Alex. She's not gonna want to be with me. You heard her. She said I broke out friendship and nothing will fix it."
"Well if you really do like her and love her you will fix it and make it up to her. You do love her right?" Luke asked leaning in.
"Well, I don't know. I mean, I like having her around. Of course I would be sad that she was gone or died. But I don't know if I love her." I shook.
'You know damn well you love her, that's all you think about! Stop lying to yourself!' My inner wolf spoke.
"So your saying you just like her cause she's useful. Like some chore lady or something?" Raven gave me beady eyes.
"no! That's not it at all! I just. I don't know, I don't know how I feel about her. It's weird and complicated. I don't know how to explain it." I said stupidly.
"I do. She's your mate! Face the facts! You have to admit it." Luke said. I did think about Alex...
'A LOT!' My inner wolf interrupted.
'Well, I mean.' I started.
'Oh no more excuses. We all know, maybe even the whole world knows. Either get your mate or don't get anything at all!' He yelled. I sat there thinking and wondering how I would even be able to tell her.
Alex's POV
I headed back home hoping they would just drop it. I went to Max's room to take a shower and hoped he wasn't there. As I started to undress a knocked stopped me.
"Can I come in? It's Raven."
"Yeah, come in."
"Hey." She said nervously.
"Hey. What's up." I said a little irritated because she was the one who started this dumbness.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry because I brought this madness up and I didn't mean to make you get mad like that. I just, I don't know, I have this thought that since me and Luke got together than maybe you and Max have some sort of relationship. I don't know, I'm realizing its a dumb thought but, I just thought."
"Raven, I don't like max. Personally I don't think I will ever like max, not like that anyway. He's annoying, he's mean. I don't think he even wants me here. I bet you if it was up to him, I'd be dead right now. I seriously don't know what it is but he just absolutely hates me and can not stand me." I said a little sad.
"That's not true."
"How do you know?" I asked curiously wondering what his problem was.
"I know for a fact that he doesn't hate you. Lets just leave it like that." She said then left the bathroom. I jumped in the shower and thought how Raven would know. Is there something they know that I don't. Well clearly, I thought. I had the thought of reading Max's mind but at the same time I d idn't want to find something I wasn't prepared for. I decide to let it go. I mean he's done meaner things, I guess, I'm used to it now. I quickly dressed and walked into the living to interesting faces.
"What happened? Y'all look like y'all found an evil plan or something." I said trying to ignore Max being there.
"Max said you told him everything you know an developed a new skill doing it." Luke said.
"Oh yeah that." I said rolling my eyes."big deal."
"It is a big deal! We can do things now! Instead of getting angry at that black box with all those buttons," Luke started.
"Remote." Max interrupted.
"Yeah that. We could work that with our eyes closed." Luke finished.
"Okay fine. Which one of y'all is going first." Luke automatically jumped in the air and raised his hand.
"Okay. Sit down." I ordered. "Now just close your eyes." He did as told and I did the same thing as before. Grabbed my information and carried it to Luke. When I was in his brain I found all these thoughts of Raven. How he seen her. What he thought of her. What he would do without her. It was romantic but it also reminded me how lonely I was. I left the information there and opened my eyes.
"Okay, Luke. Take a deep breath and open your eyes."
"Did it work!" He said eager.
"Let's see. How many states are there in the US?" I asked.
"50," he said shocked he actually knew.
"Cool! My turn." Raven said sitting down. I did the same and the same thing happened. Another slap in the face that I was going to die an old lady with a bunch of cats.
"Okay, ask me a question." Raven ordered.
"What is the date American gained independence?"
"July 4th 1776" she responded.
"Yep, it worked." Luke and Raven started questioning each other with things they would have never known before.
"Hey lets go to the store so I can get some food for me to make for y'all." Raven said.
"You know sometimes, I think we go to the store WAY too much." Max said. I rolled my eyes and he noticed.
"Oh! Can I drive! Please!" Luke insisted.
"Sure." I said giving him the keys. Luke drove there with no problem. He was talking to us as if he drove for decades. Like he was a pro. We entered a Walmart and Raven and Luke left on their own now that they new the place. I tried ditching Max but he kept following me. Finally I got irritated and said, "you know the store. Why don't you go?"
"I don't know. I just didnt want to ditch you."
"Well don't you see me trying to ditch you." I said angry. I wasn't holding back anymore. Clearly he hadn't so why should I.
"I know but what you said, it kinda hurt..."
"Hurt you? Join the club. No registration fee."I interrupted.
"Alex, I'm not playing."
I couldn't help but laugh. "Max you are such a joke. Like something is gonna hurt you. Me saying 'our friendship is over' is that what hurt you."
"Yes it did."
"Well Max that's the truth. You would know about truth. Remember at the mall, back in California. You said 'it's true and I know it' how I'm 'so ugly, that I'm so far from the line of being decent there's not even a word to describe it' Right? Isn't that the truth?" I said shaking my head and kept shopping.
"Alex. I'm serious." He said grabbing my hands to stop me. "I'm sorry. I mean it. And you really did hurt me when you said that. And I know I hurt you when I said that to you and I told you I regret it. I'm sorry. I really am."
"Whatever. I'm used to it anyways."I said turning away.
"No but I don't want you to be used to it." He said pulling back. " I don't like the way I treat you. I feel wicked inside afterwards. I'm sorry."
"Okay." I said getting out of his hands and went on. I wasn't going to let what happened last time happen again. This time FOR SURE I'm going to keep a GOOD distance between us. He walked away and I assumed to be with Raven and Luke. I went to the home section and got us some dishes to at least have some sort of kitchen. Next to the home section was an isle with all kinds of athletic stuff. I decided to get some fighting gloves and a jump rope. As well as two 10lb weights. I went to the clothes isle and got a couple of clothes. As well as some bath accessories. They met up with me while I was in the electronics.
"Are you planning on getting an iPhone?" Raven laughed.
"No, I was just looking. Besides we can talk to each other through our minds. What do we need phones for?" She agreed then we headed to the cashier and back home. As we started to unload Max kept trying to be around me. It looked like he wanted to say something but would always hesitate. I however ignored him and honestly didnt want to hear him. Afterwards we sat in the living room while Luke was looking for a movie.
"Ugh! There is NOTHING good on!" He said frustrated.
"What about the notebook?" Raven asked.
"Who wants to see something romantic! I know I don't. Hey why don't I go get a movie? Now that I know how to actually do things, I think I can handle it thanks to Alex." Luke said bowing. I did a little bow myself.
"I'll go with you too." Max said eagerly to get out of the place. They left and Raven immediately changed the channel to the notebook.
"Do you think the notebook is romantic?" She asked.
"I don't know. I never seen it before. And if it is can you record it so you can watch it later when I'm not in the room because frankly I'm not in a romantic mood." I begged.
"Yeah, I guess so." She said sadly and did what I asked for.
Max's POV
Once Luke brought up about getting a movie I wanted to go with him just in case Raven would force me to bring up the mate thing. We went out and
as soon as we were in the car I asked Luke if Raven was going to bring it up.
"Bro chill! Gosh your really nervous about it. Aww it's kinda romantic in your stupid kind of way. Don't stress bro, I'll tell her."
"Okay, thank you." I said relieved. He started talking to himself but really it was Raven. Now I was hoping that Raven was talking to him in her mind and not out loud like Luke was right now. We went to this red box thing and realized it needed a credit card to get the movie. So we went to block busters to get a movie. We chose Deliver us from Evil. It was about demons so I think Luke and Raven will like it. After we paid for it and went outside Alex and Raven were waiting for us outside.
"Hey what are y'all doing here?" Luke asked.
"Did something happen?" I asked worried.
"No, we just thought we join you guys." Alex responded a little happily while looking at me. She pulled me into a hug and drove me to the back of the store. Without any thought i followed her. I seen her but I couldn't smell her. The smell I was smelling was a clean, metal, room smell. When we were behind the store both Raven and Alex smashed us against the wall then Alex rammed her tongue down my throat. At first I kind of enjoyed it then I felt an icy, bitter taste. I fell to the ground and noticed Luke was making out with no one. Raven wasn't even there. Then who I thought was Alex was really the water bender who stabbed Alex.
"No," I whispered realizing my voice was vanishing. This fake Alex was blowing ice on Luke and he soon fell on the ground. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was the big stone guy throwing me and Luke in a trunk. Please be safe Alex. I'm sorry I let you down.
Alex's POV
It was going on 30 minuets and the guys weren't back yet.
"I wonder how long it will take the two idiots to get the movie and come back?" Raven said with laughter
"Haha who knows. They are probably stuck or lost." I said.
"Well whatever it is, I'm hungry! You want some wings?" She asked.
"Yeah that sounds good. You want me to go with you? Do you know where the place is?"
"Nah it's cool. I think I can handle myself from the evil "Fierce some Foursome" She laughed again.
"Okay" I said laughing as well. "I guess get all kinds of flavors. Here's the cash" I said pulling out 100's. "how are you gonna get there?"
"Will be able to fly and carry the food."
"Duh." She said. "Okay well I'll be back then." She said walking out the door. Now that she was gone I could finally meditate. I turned off the tv and lighted some candles. I was going to do what I've been wanting to do but just couldn't. Considering I was too busy taking care of kids.
My meditation was interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Do you not know where it is Raven?" I laughed then thought it could have been Max and Luke. I opened the door and found 2 body bags frozen. I pulled them in and laid them on the living room floor. I cut open the bags to see who was inside and give them air. It was Max and Luke. They were almost completely frozen! I hovered my hands over Luke first. The thin layer of ice was only to his chest and reaching his shoulders. I pulled heat over him and warmed him up. Less than 5 seconds later he was breathing and alive. I grabbed blankets and gave them to him. Max was completely frozen. This time I pulled absolutely all of the heat I had in me and gave it to him, slowly from head to toe. The ice wasn't melting and I had no idea why? Then something that I would never ever do in my entire life I did. I took a deep breath and could feel the huge ball of fire i created burning through my throat. I kissed Max and literally, every piece of warmth that I contained was transported into him. I could see the ball of fire consume him, starting from his lips and throughout his head and feet. I waited. Then finally he gasped for air. I got blankets and threw them over him to keep him warm. He started breathing normal them looked at me. I smiled not only because I kissed him but because he was okay again.
"Gosh Alex, if I wanted a cold sore I would have gone downtown." He laughed with irony. I slapped him and he was shocked. I ran out the door just as Raven was coming in.
"Hey where you going?" She asked.
"She's just embarrassed because she kissed Max!" Luke said.
"What! Tell me!" I could hear her say I walked more and more upstairs towards the roof of the apartments. I started throwing fire into the air. Shadow punching and kicking. I'm so stupid! Why would you kiss him! I mean come on now! Stupid move stupid! I could feel myself explode, literally. I sat down and TRIED to calm myself.
Max's POV
I woke up to this warm, delicious taste on my lips. Then searched for air. The first person I saw was Alex.
"Gosh Alex, if I wanted a cold sore I would have gone downtown." I said stupidly. Why the hell would I say that? She gave me a huge slap to the face and I was surprised. What the fuck is wrong with me? She went out the door as Raven was walking in. Where was she going?
"Hey where you going?" She asked Alex.
"She's just embarrassed because she kissed Max!" Luke yelled and I gave him a glare.
"What! How! Tell me!" Raven ordered. While Luke was telling her what happened I seen Alex slam the door and could hear her go up to the roof. I'm hoping she isn't planning on leaving again.
"Hello!" Raven said snapping me out of my thoughts when she punched me.
"What?" I responded.
"She saved your life and you have the nerve to say she has herpes! What the fuck is wrong with you!" I stayed quiet and didnt know what to say.
"You are pathetic and a fucking asshole!" She yelled.
"You don't think I don't know that. I don't know why I said it. It just came to my mind."
"It just came to your mind? You must have a fucked up mind then. Look if you don't tell her, I will. And I won't hold anything back. You don't think I know what your thinking when you see her. I'm surprised she hasn't even found out her own self." Raven yelled irritated.
"Okay! I'll tell her."
"Go! Now!" She said pointing to the door. "Or I'll make sure you make it to hell and have a special seat for you." I walked out the door and slowly went upstairs. I heard footsteps coming back down so I ran inside back to the apartment. Seconds later it was Alex.
Alex POV
I came to my senses and realized that Frankenstein's army found us, in less than a day. We need to leave. I ran downstairs back to the apartment.
"We have to leave. Now!" I ordered busting open the door.
"What?" Luke asked.
"Not again." Raven whined.
"Why do we even have to?"
"Those guys found us! In less than a day! They are probably waiting for us to go to sleep and kidnap us or something." I said already done packing my stuff and working on theirs. "Let's go!" I said walking out the door. Without questioning anymore they followed me up to the roof. I gave them a 'stay down' signal. I felt the concrete to see if I could sense them around.
"Do you smell them?" I asked max.
"No. Not here I can't. I got nothing."
"Let's go." I said jumping in the air as Luke and Raven pulled Max with them up. We flew for hours non stop. They seemed tired so I found a landing spot in the forest. Raven and Luke fell to the ground instantly, dropping Max. I felt the earth and could sense a cabin. It was a little more colder here than in Denver. I think we were in Montana. I let them lay as they were and earth bended the spot we were at to move towards the cabin. I, as always, put the owner to sleep. I'm now realizing if the owners ever do wake up when I put them to sleep. I did the unpacking and kept an eye out. I was in full alert and attack mode. They slept like babies that night while I was traumatized. That girl froze Max and Luke. I don't even know how. The sun wasn't shining and it was 7am. Must be the shift of the earth or something. I made breakfast with what ever was there and soon the gang woke up. They gathered their plates with piles of food and started munching down. I was already done and sipping on some water.
"How did she freeze y'all?" I final asked.
"I don't know. She tricked us. I thought she was Raven. And she took me to the back of block busters and blew this stinging, ice, feeling breath of air and I was out." Luke explained.
"Why did you let her kiss you if she was imitating me?" Raven asked Max a little weird.
"She wasn't you, she was Alex to me. She tricked our minds. She pulled me to the back and I thought Alex was kissing me but she gave me a sour bitter kiss and I was out too." Max said.
"Why would you think I would kiss you?" I asked curiously.
"Because you are Max's mate!"

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