Waiting for Alex

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Max's POV

I woke up and Alex was still unconscious. Gently climbing from under her I went to brush my teeth and afterwards to the kitchen. Looks like Raven and Luke are still asleep.

I made breakfast, just some sausage with pancakes and eggs. Put the rest in the microwave for the other brainless idiots and back to where Alex was at.
"Alex?" I said gently shaking her leg, the one not wounded.
No response.
I ate whatever I could eat without feeling pain and sadness. I held the food under Alex's nose thinking that might trigger something in her brain.
Still no response. I sat my plate down and went back to hugging Alex. After an hour I brought some fresh bandages and clothes to keep her wounds clean.
They weren't as bad as yesterday, but they still needed some time. Her bruises were still that ugly purple I hate.
I didn't know what to do.
How to handle this.
I didn't know whether she was dead or still alive.
I didn't want to give up, not on my mate. Never.
I started thinking that maybe we should take her to a doctor, but a flashback of her shaking her head pleading not to go, made me second guess.
"How is she?" Raven said in the room that I didn't even notice she had entered.
"She's still not breathing or moving. The wounds are healing, a little bit. Slowly." I answered.
"I'm sorry." Raven said.
"It's okay. Thanks."
"I'm sorry too. For Alex and not telling you." Luke said as he came up from behind Raven.
"Okay." I said.
"Can we help with anything?" Luke asked.
"Nah, it's good, I just changed her bandages and she's all good now."
"Alright then. Hope she gets better." They said and left.
I wrapped Alex gently in my arms as I drifted off to sleep.

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