What are we going to do?

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Alex's POV

I woke up naked to Max and a little shy.
I took a shower and brushed my teeth then got dressed. Max followed afterwards. Then we went to the table and I started making breakfast. Later I heard Raven run towards me and scream "Congratulations!"
"Thank you" I said while we were hugging.
"Okay. Now we have to start planning the wedding!"
"Now? What for? There isn't anyone we can trust?"
"That's where you're wrong. We all figured it out. Just you can't know. All we need from you is a dress and everything else is covered!" She cheered.
"If y'all have everything I'm down." I laughed. Raven screeched with excited.
"It's easy!" She started. "All you have to do is show up with the dress and say 'I do'"
"I do?" I asked convinced.
"See! You're half way there." She laughed
"Now can we eat. I'm starving." I said.
We all ate our breakfast and laughed about the silliest things ever. Luke making fun of me and Max, our relationship. In return we made fun of them rolling around in bed all the time.
"It's called true love." Raven yelled embarrassed.
"Yeah, true love involves two people and a bed. I would so want that." I laughed. Max gives me a kiss on the cheek before taking our plates away.
"What do you want to do?" Max asked.
"I don't know." I said bored.
"Movies? Oh! No! Let's get a dress!" Raven yelled.
"Now?" I pouted. "Let's just watch a movie."
"Okay. Fine." Raven said, this time pouting.
We got dressed and headed for the movie theater. It was in the mall so I was a little worried Raven would drag me to a shop with bridal dresses, she probably posed Luke to do the same thing with Max, only with tuxedos.
The movie we picked was HomeFront. It had my favorite actor, Jason Statham.
The movie was over and I was over full with popcorn and slurpies.
"Now for dresses." Raven said rubbing her hands in an evil way.
"I'm full. I'm not in a dressy mood." I whined.
"Don't do what Alex isn't ready for." Max said at my side with his strict voice. Raven rolled her eyes and said 'fine.'
"Let's go to the park to burn off some steam." Luke suggested. We drove to a park and walked  into the woods, enjoying the little breeze and trees.
We walked very deep into the woods that we couldn't see the path where we came from.
"We're lost!" Luke panicked.
"I got it." I said before placing my hand on the grass to feel the energy from the entrance, but Raven interrupted me saying "guys! Look!"
"What?" I asked worried.
"This dude is worth 25,000 dollars if we bring him in to the police!"
"It's not our problem though?" Max remarked.
"So your saying we should get the guy and get the money?" I asked, liking the idea, and ignoring max's comment.
"Why not?" Raven asked. I liked the idea that we would be able make money without stealing it anymore.
"I'm down." I cheered.
"Same." Luke said. Everyone looked at Max as he was rubbing his chin thinking.
"You guys know me. I agree with Alex." He laughed before giving me a quick kiss.

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